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STARTING OFF STARTING OFF What sets MongoDB apart? What are documents? How do we get up and running? What's in a driver? How do we read/write documents? What else can we do?

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TERMINOLOGY TERMINOLOGY { "mongodb" : "relational db", "database" : "database", "collection" : "table", "document" : "row", "index" : "index", "_id" : "primary key", "sharding" : { "shard" : "partition", "shard key" : "partition key" } }

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RDBMS: THE GOOD PARTS RDBMS: THE GOOD PARTS Tried and true SQL is a rich query language ACID compliance Transactions

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RDBMS: THE BAD PARTS RDBMS: THE BAD PARTS Modeling complex or polymorphic data Schema migrations Administration Scalability trade-off

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MONGODB: THE GOOD PARTS MONGODB: THE GOOD PARTS Document model Flexible schemas Scalability and performance Features (aggregation, geo, GridFS)

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MONGODB: THE BAD PARTS MONGODB: THE BAD PARTS Limited atomicity Consistency trade-off Query language limitations

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DATABASE LANDSCAPE DATABASE LANDSCAPE Memcached Key/Value RDBMS Scalability and Performance Depth of Functionality

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WHY MONGODB? WHY MONGODB? MongoDB has the best features of key/value stores, document databases and relational databases in one — John Nunemaker

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RELATIONAL MODELING RELATIONAL MODELING Articles One author Many comments Many tags Authors Many articles Many comments Tags Many articles Comments One article One author

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RELATIONAL MODELING RELATIONAL MODELING articles id author_id title body 1 2 Praesent ante dui Lorem ipsum… articles_to_tags id article_id tag_id 36 1 7 37 1 8 authors id name email 2 Bob [email protected] 3 John [email protected] comments id article_id author_id body 4 1 3 Morbi libero erat… 5 1 2 Dapibus quis… 6 1 3 Fusce fermentum… tags id name 7 luctus 8 rhoncus

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DOCUMENT MODELING DOCUMENT MODELING Articles One author Many comments One author Many tags

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DOCUMENT MODELING DOCUMENT MODELING { _id: 1, title: "Praesent ante dui", body: "Lorem ipsum…", author: { name: "Bob", email: "[email protected]" }, comments: [ { body: "Morbi libero erat…", author: { name: "John", email: "[email protected]" } }, { body: "Dapibus quis…", author: { name: "Tom", email: "[email protected]" } }, ], tags: [ "luctus", "rhoncus" ] }

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DOCUMENTS ARE BSON DOCUMENTS ARE BSON Zero or more key/value pairs Values are scalars, arrays, and objects Special types (e.g. binary strings, dates) Binary JSON

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DOCUMENTS IN PHP DOCUMENTS IN PHP // Arrays are most common $a = ['hello' => 'world']; $b = ['things' => ['foo', 5.05, 2012]]; // Objects work, too! $a = new stdClass; $a->hello = 'world'; $b = new stdClass; $b->things = ['foo', 5.05, 2012];

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MONGODB.COM/DOWNLOAD-CENTER MONGODB.COM/DOWNLOAD-CENTER Compiled binaries OS X, Linux, Windows Packages MacPorts, Homebrew, Debian, CentOS Drivers for over a dozen languages

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INSTALLING INSTALLING $ tar xvzf mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-3.4.6.tgz mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-3.4.6/README mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-3.4.6/THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-3.4.6/MPL-2 mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-3.4.6/GNU-AGPL-3.0 mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-3.4.6/bin/mongodump mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-3.4.6/bin/mongorestore mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-3.4.6/bin/mongoexport mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-3.4.6/bin/mongoimport mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-3.4.6/bin/mongostat mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-3.4.6/bin/mongotop mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-3.4.6/bin/bsondump mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-3.4.6/bin/mongofiles mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-3.4.6/bin/mongooplog mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-3.4.6/bin/mongoreplay mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-3.4.6/bin/mongoperf mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-3.4.6/bin/mongod mongodb-linux-x86 64-ubuntu1604-3 4 6/bin/mongos

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STARTING STARTING $ mkdir /data/db $ ./mongod [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=20357 port=27017 dbpath=/data/db 64-bit [initandlisten] db version v3.4.6 [initandlisten] git version: c55eb86ef46ee7aede3b1e2a5d184a7df4bfb5b5 [initandlisten] OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016 [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc [initandlisten] modules: none [initandlisten] build environment: [initandlisten] distmod: ubuntu1604 [initandlisten] distarch: x86_64 [initandlisten] target_arch: x86_64 [initandlisten] options: { storage: { dbPath: "/data/db" } } [initandlisten] wiredtiger_open config: create,cache_size=7453M,session_max=20 [initandlisten] Initializing full-time diagnostic data capture with directory [thread1] waiting for connections on port 27017

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CONNECTING CONNECTING $ ./mongo MongoDB shell version: 3.4.6 connecting to: test > show dbs local (empty) >{x: 1}) > { "_id" : ObjectId("57f7aefab586b9ceed2df190"), "x" : 1 }

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MONGODB ATLAS MONGODB ATLAS Hosted MongoDB as a Service Single-click deployments, upgrades, etc. Configurable scalability and redundancy Integration with MongoDB's backup service Secure (authentication, encryption, IP whitelists) Free tier available More info at

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PHP AND HHVM DRIVERS PHP AND HHVM DRIVERS extension (ext-mongodb) Client, server, and cursor classes BSON types and encode/decode functions (mongodb/mongodb) Client, database, and collection classes Higher-level abstractions (e.g. GridFS) Installing the and PHP PHP library extension library

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CORE CLASSES CORE CLASSES MongoDB\Client MongoDB\Database MongoDB\Collection MongoDB\Driver\Cursor

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CONNECTING CONNECTING // $client = new MongoDB\Client; // $client = new MongoDB\Client('mongodb://'); // authentication $client = new MongoDB\Client('mongodb://user:password@localhost'); // replica set $client = new MongoDB\Client( 'mongodb://,', ['replicaSet' => 'myReplSet'] );

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THE MONGODB\CLIENT CLASS THE MONGODB\CLIENT CLASS $client = new MongoDB\Client; // Select the "test" database $db = $client->test; $db = $client->selectDatabase('test'); // Select the "test.users" collection $collection = $client->test->users; $collection = $client->selectCollection('test', 'users'); // List databases on the server foreach ($client->listDatabases() as $databaseInfo) { echo $databaseInfo->getName(), "\n"; }

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THE MONGODB\DATABASE CLASS THE MONGODB\DATABASE CLASS $db = $client->test; // Select the "test.users" collection $collection = $db->users; $collection = $db->selectCollection('users'); // Execute a command on the "test" database $cursor = $db->command(['serverStatus' => 1]); $serverStatus = $cursor->toArray()[0]; // List collections in the "test" database foreach ($db->listCollections() as $collectionInfo) { echo $collectionInfo->getName(), "\n"; }

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THE MONGODB\COLLECTION CLASS THE MONGODB\COLLECTION CLASS $collection = $db->users; // Insert a user document for Bob $collection->insertOne(['username' => 'bob', 'roles' => ['admin']]); // Retrieve Bob's user document $user = $collection->findOne(['username' => 'bob']); // Find all admins (returns an iterable MongoDB\Driver\Cursor) $cursor = $collection->find(['roles' => 'admin']); $admins = $cursor->toArray();

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THE MONGODB\COLLECTION CLASS THE MONGODB\COLLECTION CLASS $collection->count(); // Count all users $collection->count(['roles' => 'admin']); // Count only admins $collection->deleteOne(['username' => 'john']); // Delete a user $collection->deleteMany([]); // Delete all users

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IDENTIFIERS IDENTIFIERS // Create a user document for Tom $result = $collection->insertOne(['username' => 'tom']); var_dump($result->getInsertedCount()); var_dump($result->getInsertedId()); int(1) object(MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID)#11 (1) { ["oid"]=> string(24) "57f7d220da14d803b94fba92" }

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THE THE _id _id FIELD FIELD Its value is immutable Unique to the collection ObjectID, scalar or object Indexed by default

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WHAT'S IN AN OBJECTID? WHAT'S IN AN OBJECTID? 57f7d220 da14d8 03b9 4fba92 Timestamp Hostname PID Sequence 12-byte, binary string Safely generated in distributed environments Timestamp prefix useful for sorting

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BSON TYPE CLASSES BSON TYPE CLASSES MongoDB\BSON\Binary MongoDB\BSON\Javascript MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID MongoDB\BSON\Regex MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime MongoDB\Model\BSONArray MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument

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WRITING TO MONGODB WRITING TO MONGODB Inserts, updates, and upserts Consistency/performance options Avoid shooting yourself in the foot

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WRITE CONCERN WRITE CONCERN {w: 0} Fire and forget Trade consistency for performance {w: 1} Ensure primary acknowledges write {w: #} or {w: "majority"} Wait for multiple acknowledgements

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ACKNOWLEDGED WRITES ACKNOWLEDGED WRITES $collection = (new MongoDB\Client)->test->users; $user = $collection->findOne(['username' => 'tom']); // MongoDB\Client's default behavior $result = $collection->insertOne( $user, ['writeConcern' => new MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern(1)] ); var_dump($result->getInsertedCount()); Uncaught MongoDB\Driver\Exception\BulkWriteException: E11000 duplicate key error collection: test.users index: _id_ dup key: { : ObjectId('57f7d220da14d803b94fba92') }

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ACKNOWLEDGED WRITES ACKNOWLEDGED WRITES // Connect to a replica set URI $collection = (new MongoDB\Client('...'))->test->users; $result = $collection->insertOne( ['username' => 'tom'], ['writeConcern' => new MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern(2)] ); var_dump($result->getInsertedCount()); // int(1)

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UNACKNOWLEDGED WRITES UNACKNOWLEDGED WRITES $collection = (new MongoDB\Client)->test->users; $user = $collection->findOne(['username' => 'tom']); $result = $collection->insertOne( $user, ['writeConcern' => new MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern(0)] ); var_dump($result->isAcknowledged()); bool(false)

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UPDATING A DOCUMENT UPDATING A DOCUMENT // Change Tom's email address $result = $collection->updateOne( ['username' => 'tom'], ['$set' => ['email' => '[email protected]']] ); var_dump($result->getMatchedCount()); // int(1) var_dump($result->getModifiedCount()); // int(1) Criteria New object Overwrite entire document Apply atomic operations

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UPDATING MULTIPLE DOCUMENTS UPDATING MULTIPLE DOCUMENTS // Make everyone an admin (probably a bad idea :) $result = $collection->updateMany( [], ['$addToSet' => ['roles' => 'admin']] ); var_dump($result->getMatchedCount()); // int(9) var_dump($result->getModifiedCount()); // int(9)

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UPSERTING UPSERTING // If Sam doesn't exist, insert: { username: "Sam", role: "staff" } $result = $collection->updateOne( ['username' => 'sam'], ['$set' => ['role' => 'staff']], ['upsert' => true] ); var_dump($result->getMatchedCount()); // int(0) var_dump($result->getModifiedCount()); // int(0) var_dump($result->getUpsertedCount()); // int(1) var_dump($result->getUpsertedId()); // object(MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID) No multi-document operation Does the criteria match a document? Yes, update the document No, apply modifiers to criteria and insert

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UPDATE OPERATORS UPDATE OPERATORS Mixed Arrays , , Numbers $currentDate $rename $set $unset $addToSet $pop $pull $pullAll $push $pushAll $bit $inc $mul

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POSITIONAL UPDATES POSITIONAL UPDATES $collection = (new MongoDB\Client)->test->articles; // An article with votable comments $collection->insertOne([ '_id' => 1, 'title' => 'Praesent ante dui', 'comments' => [ ['id' => 1, 'votes' => 2, 'text' => 'Dapibus quis…'], ['id' => 2, 'votes' => 0, 'text' => 'Fusce fermentum…'], ], ]); // Upvote the second comment $collection->updateOne( ['_id' => 1, '' => 2], ['$inc' => ['comments.$.votes' => 1]] );

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BASIC QUERYING BASIC QUERYING $collection->findOne(); // Retrieve one document as an array $collection->find(); // Find all documents via MongoDB\Driver\Cursor // Query on field values $collection->findOne(['lastName' => 'Smith']); $collection->find(['roles' => 'admin']); Query criteria is BSON No grammar to parse

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QUERIES RETURN CURSORS QUERIES RETURN CURSORS Cursors navigate a query result Can be iterated forward and only once Convert to an array for random access Commands return cursors, too

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THE MONGODB\DRIVER\CURSOR CLASS THE MONGODB\DRIVER\CURSOR CLASS $cursor = $collection->find( ['roles' => 'admin'], // Find all admins [ 'sort' => ['username' => -1], // Desc sort by username 'limit' => 10, // Limit to 10 results 'skip' => 5, // Skip the first 5 ] ); // Iterate through results foreach ($cursor as $document) { } // Get them all at once (equivalent to iterator_to_array()) $results = $cursor->toArray();

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AD-HOC QUERYING AD-HOC QUERYING ARBITRARY BUSINESS REQUIREMENT #42789! ARBITRARY BUSINESS REQUIREMENT #42789! We need the usernames for all admins that use Gmail and whose accounts were created within the last year.

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DATA TO QUERY DATA TO QUERY $collection = (new MongoDB\Client)->test->users; $collection->insertOne([ 'username' => 'bob', 'email' => '[email protected]', 'profile' => [ 'bio' => 'I am a data fixture.', 'createdAt' => new MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime, ], 'roles' => ['moderator', 'admin'], ]); // Among others…

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COMPLEX CRITERIA COMPLEX CRITERIA Regular expressions Matching values in embedded objects Comparison operators Matching a value in an array

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COMPLEX CRITERIA COMPLEX CRITERIA $lastYear = new DateTime('last year'); // Arbitrary Business Requirement #42789! $cursor = $collection->find( [ 'email' => new MongoDB\BSON\Regex('gmail\.com$', 'i'), 'profile.createdAt' => [ '$gt' => new MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime($lastYear), ], 'roles' => 'admin', ] );

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FIELD PROJECTION FIELD PROJECTION // Limit returned fields to the username $cursor = $collection->find( [ 'email' => new MongoDB\BSON\Regex('gmail\.com$', 'i'), 'profile.createdAt' => [ '$gt' => new MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime($lastYear), ], 'roles' => 'admin', ], [ 'projection' => ['username' => 1], ] ); Retrieving a subset of fields Retrieving a slice of an array

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QUERY OPERATORS QUERY OPERATORS Comparison , , Logical , Arrays , Misc Geo $gt $gte $lt $lte $ne $and $or $nor $not $all $in $nin $size $elemMatch $exists $mod $text $type $where $geoWithin $geoIntersects $near $nearSphere

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AN ATOMIC PICKLE AN ATOMIC PICKLE We can query for things We can update documents atomically Can we atomically query and update?

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DATA TO PROCESS DATA TO PROCESS $collection = (new MongoDB\Client)->test->jobs; $collection->insertOne([ 'task' => '…', 'inprogress' => 'false', 'priority' => 1 ]); $collection->insertOne([ 'task' => '…', 'inprogress' => 'false', 'priority' => 4 ]);

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A DOCUMENT A DOCUMENT FIND AND MODIFY FIND AND MODIFY use MongoDB\Operation\FindOneAndUpdate; $collection->findOneAndUpdate( ['inprogress' => false], ['$set' => [ 'inprogress' => true, 'startedAt' => new MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime, ]], [ 'returnDocument' => FindOneAndUpdate::RETURN_DOCUMENT_AFTER, 'sort' => ['priority' => -1], ] ); Atomically select and modify one document Update, upsert, replace, or delete the document Return document in pre- or post-modified state

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INDEXES IN MONGODB INDEXES IN MONGODB B-trees Multiple indexes per collection Any field(s), top-level or embedded , , , , and Multi-key indexes for array values Sparse unique geospatial text TTL

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MANAGING INDEXES MANAGING INDEXES $collection = (new MongoDB\Client)->test->things; // Ensure unique values for x (just like the _id index) $collection->createIndex(['x' => 1], ['unique' => true]); // Delegate index creation as a background task $collection->createIndex(['x' => 1], ['background' => true]); // List all indexes in the "test.things" collection foreach ($collection->listIndexes() as $indexInfo) { echo $indexInfo->getName(), "\n"; } $collection->dropIndex('x_1'); // Delete an index by name $collection->dropIndexes(); // Delete all indexes for the collection

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COMPOUND INDEXES COMPOUND INDEXES $collection->createIndex(['x' => 1, 'y' => 1, 'z' => -1]); // These queries will use the index $collection->find(['x' => 'foo']); $collection->find(['x' => 'foo', 'y' => ['$gt' => 5]]); $collection->find( ['x' => 'foo', 'y' => 4], ['sort' => ['z' => -1]] ); $collection->find(['x' => "foo", 'y' => 8, 'z' => 'baz']); // This query will not by default $collection->find(['y' => 6]); Index multiple fields Direction per field (range queries, sorting) Usable for constituent field queries

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PERFORMANCE TIPS PERFORMANCE TIPS Avoid non-indexed queries and table scans Keep your indexes and working set in RAM Mind your read/write ratio Support multiple queries per index Create indexes that ensure selectivity Indexing advice and FAQ

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DATABASE COMMANDS DATABASE COMMANDS Sharding Replication Aggregation Collections Indexing Geospatial Diagnostic Administration Shell and driver helpers for some for the rest MongoDB\Database::command() Reference list

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AGGREGATION AGGREGATION Aggregation framework Single-purpose aggregation commands MapReduce Hadoop adapter

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REPORTING REPORTING ARBITRARY BUSINESS REQUIREMENT #27533! ARBITRARY BUSINESS REQUIREMENT #27533! We need a report listing all authors that have written an article for each tag category.

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DATA TO AGGREGATE DATA TO AGGREGATE $collection = (new MongoDB\Client)->test->articles; $collection->insertOne(['author' => 'jen', 'tags' => ['politics', 'tech']]); $collection->insertOne(['author' => 'sue', 'tags' => ['business']]); $collection->insertOne(['author' => 'tom', 'tags' => ['sports']]); $collection->insertOne([ 'author' => 'bob', 'tags' => ['business', 'sports', 'tech'] ]);

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MAP MAPREDUCE REDUCE $map = ' function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.tags.length; i++) { emit(this.tags[i], { authors: [] }); } }';

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REDUCE REDUCE MAP MAP $reduce = ' function(key, values) { var result = { authors: [] }; values.forEach(function(value) { value.authors.forEach(function(author) { if (-1 == result.authors.indexOf(author)) { result.authors.push(author); } }); }); return result; }';

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MAPREDUCE MAPREDUCE $db = (new MongoDB\Client)->test; $cursor = $db->command([ 'mapreduce' => 'articles', 'map' => new MongoDB\BSON\Javascript($map), 'reduce' => new MongoDB\BSON\Javascript($reduce), 'out' => ['inline' => true], ]); foreach ($cursor->toArray()[0]['results'] as $r) { $authors = implode(', ', $r['value']['authors']); printf("%s: %s\n", $r['_id'], $authors); } business: sue, bob politics: jen sports: tom, bob tech: jen, bob

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AGGREGATION FRAMEWORK AGGREGATION FRAMEWORK $collection = (new MongoDB\Client)->test->articles; $cursor = $collection->aggregate([ ['$unwind' => '$tags'], ['$group' => [ '_id' => '$tags', 'authors' => ['$addToSet' => '$author'], ]], ]); foreach ($cursor as $r) { $authors = implode(', ', $r['authors']); printf("%s: %s\n", $r['_id'], $authors); } business: bob, sue tech: bob, jen sports: bob, tom politics: jen

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GRIDFS GRIDFS File storage within MongoDB BSON collections fs.files: metadata document fs.chunks: binary data (1+ per file) MongoDB\GridFS\Bucket and PHP Streams

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THE MONGODB\GRIDFS\BUCKET CLASS THE MONGODB\GRIDFS\BUCKET CLASS $db = (new MongoDB\Client)->test; // Default prefix (fs.files and fs.chunks) $bucket = $db->selectGridFSBucket(); // Custom prefix (images.files and images.chunks) $bucket = $db->selectGridFSBucket(['bucketName' => 'images']);

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STORING FILES STORING FILES // Upload a file and return its _id $source = fopen('/path/to/file', 'rb'); $id = $bucket->uploadFromStream('filename', $source); // Upload bytes to a file and return its _id $stream = $bucket->openUploadStream('filename'); $id = $bucket->getFileIdForStream($stream); fwrite($stream, 'foobar'); fclose($stream);

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RETRIEVING FILES RETRIEVING FILES // Download a file by its _id $id = new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID('57f81b38da14d802e97b1b72'); $destination = fopen('/path/to/file', 'w+b'); $bucket->downloadToStream($id, $destination); // Open a readable stream for a file by its _id $stream = $bucket->openDownloadStream($id); $contents = stream_get_contents($stream);

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RETRIEVING FILES BY FILENAME RETRIEVING FILES BY FILENAME // Download a file by its filename $destination = fopen('/path/to/file', 'w+b'); $bucket->downloadToStreamByName('filename', $destination); // Open a readable stream for a file by its filename $stream = $bucket->openDownloadStreamByName('filename'); $contents = stream_get_contents($stream); filename is not necessarily unique Same filename and different uploadDate → revision Filename queries select the most recent revision by default

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RETRIEVING FILES BY REVISION RETRIEVING FILES BY REVISION // Open the most recent revision (default behavior) $bucket->openDownloadStreamByName('filename', ['revision' => -1]); // Open the second most recent revision $bucket->openDownloadStreamByName('filename', ['revision' => -2]); // Open the original revision (i.e. 0th) $bucket->openDownloadStreamByName('filename', ['revision' => 0]); // Open the first revision $bucket->openDownloadStreamByName('filename', ['revision' => 1]); Same options for downloadToStreamByName()

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SELECTING A FILE DOCUMENT SELECTING A FILE DOCUMENT $id = new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID('57f81b38da14d802e97b1b72'); $stream = $bucket->openDownloadStream($id); var_dump($bucket->getFileDocumentForStream($stream)); object(stdClass)#16 (6) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID)#18 (1) { ["oid"]=> string(24) "57f8228eda14d81806017242" } ["chunkSize"]=> int(261120) ["filename"]=> string(8) "filename" ["uploadDate"]=> object(MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime)#21 (1) { ["milliseconds"]=> string(13) "1475879566662" } ["length"]=> int(9) ["md5"]=>

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DELETING FILES DELETING FILES // Delete a file (and related chunks) by its _id $id = new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID('57f81b38da14d802e97b1b72'); $bucket->delete($id); // Drop the files and chunks collections $bucket->drop(); No API for modifying files in-place Delete and re-upload, or create a new revision

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THANKS! THANKS! and (free online education) (DBaaS) Server downloads documentation PHP and HHVM extension documentation PHP library documentation MongoDB University MongoDB Atlas QUESTIONS? QUESTIONS?

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