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Setup the

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managing an army of laptops ...with puppet

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hi, my name is will farrington but @wfarr is way shorter

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i work at a “little-known startup” called github

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I work on System operations System operations internal apps the setup

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once upon a time

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there was a developer

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there was a designer

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oh man, this new macbook pro is sweet! let me run a bunch of stuff by hand so I can get some work done in about 6 to 8 hours, maybe. - some perfectly normal people

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once upon a time

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there was a crazy person

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oh man, this new macbook pro is sweet! let me run a bunch of stuff by hand so I can get some work done in about 6 to 8 hours, maybe. ~ crazy people

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we made a HUGE mistake

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yep, it’s pretty bad

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i thought we cared about testing

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i thought we cared about repeatability

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i thought we cared about automation

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we say those things matter for software and they totally do

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we do not treat our laptops like they matter

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wtf is wrong with us

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wtf is wrong with us i mean srsly guise

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spock approves this message

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a living, breathing software project that tests and automates every little bit of your machine with love

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about 6000 about 3600 1186 26 lines of Ruby (not incl. tests) lines of Puppet (not incl. tests) commits contributors some numbers

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chrome, colloquy, dropbox, elasticsearch, emacs, erlang, git, homebrew, hub, iterm2, java, macvim, memcache, mongodb, mysql, nginx, nodejs, nvm, 1passwd, personalization, postgresql, projects, python, qt, rbenv, rdio, redis, ruby, solr, sparrow, textmate, virtualbox, viscosity, wget, xcode, xquartz, zeromq, zsh, and more daily.

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less than 6 months

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a githubber’s first day in

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hours of frustration getting and other projects even working locally

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a githubber’s first day now

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drink coffee for 20 minutes

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The Command Line Interface

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» gh-setup --projects * github

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github » script/bootstrap github » script/server github » open # Ready to ship things!

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» gh-setup octostatus # sets it all up. boom.

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» gh-setup --stealth # development mode

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The Puppet DSL

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The Puppet DSL is pretty easy actually

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Resources are the basic unit of puppet

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package { ‘redis-server’: }

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file { ‘/etc/motd’: content => ‘Hello, world!’ }

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service { ‘riak’: ensure => running, subscribe => File[‘/etc/riak/vm.args’] } resource type

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service { ‘riak’: ensure => running, subscribe => File[‘/etc/riak/vm.args’] } resource name

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service { ‘riak’: ensure => running, subscribe => File[‘/etc/riak/vm.args’] } resource parameters

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service { ‘riak’: ensure => running, subscribe => File[‘/etc/riak/vm.args’] } metaparameter

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metaparameters work on every resource

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metaparameters describe relationships

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before require subscribe notify this resource must run before this resource must run after this resource runs after and watches this resource runs before and tells

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resources can have custom types

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define git::config::local($key, $value) { $safekey = shellquote($key) $safevalue = shellquote($value) $command = "git config --local ${safekey} ${safevalue}" exec { "${command} in ${name}": command => $command, cwd => $name, onlyif => 'test -d .git', unless => "git config --local ${safekey}", require => Package['git'] } }

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git::config::local { ‘~/github/hubot’: key => ‘heroku.account’, value => ‘work’ }

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Resources can be grouped with classes

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class redis { package { ‘redis-server’: } service { ‘redis’: require => Package[‘redis-server’] } }

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classes can mixin other classes

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classes can require other classes

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this matters a whole lot everybody

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Puppet has its own dsl for a couple reasons

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1. puppet was designed for sysadmin-types

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2. puppet has semantics about execution that would be confusing and unintuitive in ruby or python or most other languages

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puppet uses a DAG to apply resources

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a DAG is a directed, acyclic graph

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a DAG means relationships matter

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a DAG also means order of execution does not matter

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The Setup as a standard library for puppet but designed for personal laptops

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class github::projects::octostatus { require redis ... }

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class github::projects::octostatus { ... $dir = "${github::config::srcdir}/octostatus" ... }

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class github::projects::octostatus { ... git::repo { $dir: source => 'github/octostatus' } ... }

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class github::projects::octostatus { ... ruby::local { $dir: version => '1.9.3-p194', require => Git::Repo[$dir] } }

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I like doing things my way

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class github::people::hubot { include github::projects::all }

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class github::people::keavy { require gitx require onepassword require sizeup require sparrow require textmate }

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class github::people::yossef { package { 'Alfred': provider => 'appdmg', source => $alfred_dmg_url; } }

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class github::people::yossef { setup::tarballed_app { 'Mailplane': source => $mailplane_url; } }

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class github::people::wfarr { git::config::global { '': value => 'status'; '': value => 'commit'; } }

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class github::people::wfarr { file { '/Users/wfarr/.gitignore': ensure => present, content => '.DS_STORE' } }

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class github::people::wfarr { package { 'emacs': } git::repo { '/Users/wfarr/.emacs.d': source => 'wfarr/.emacs.d', submodules => true } }

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class github::people::wfarr { setup::osx_defaults { 'require password always': ensure => present, domain => '', key => 'askForPassword', value => 1, user => 'wfarr' } }

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puppeteer supportocat

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people will do crazy shit to it

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if it breaks it is your job to fix it

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if it breaks it is your job to fix it no matter what

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devs are really good at breaking things

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people report about 1% of issues they have

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people report about 1% of issues they have on a really good day

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rapid iteration on bugs makes people happy

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avoiding more bugs makes us happy

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reduce potential for bugs by vendoring

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» du -sh /opt/github 3.8G /opt/github

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» env | grep GH_ | wc -l 24

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» env | grep GH_REDIS_PORT GH_REDIS_PORT=16379

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» env | grep GH_MYSQL_PORT GH_MYSQL_PORT=13306

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people just will never remember to update

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tell people when they should update

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omg sneak peek time

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=> Installing qt...

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=> Fetching snapshot... => Installing qt...

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=> Fetching snapshot... => Installing ruby-1.9.3...

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=> Fetching snapshot... => Installing node-0.6.8...

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we don't have the ability to mandate environments

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we have to provide something dramatically better than just doing it yourself

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prim donn

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the setup is not a tool for it administrators

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the setup is a tool for people to get stuff done

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the setup is extensible by users

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the setup is a stable framework for config

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the setup is about enabling good patterns

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the setup is not about dictating machine policy

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how do i get it

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you don’t =(

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... yet

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we are working hard to open source it

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Setup the

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love ops? come work with us puppet, erlang, ruby, shell, c and all the graphs you can shake a stick at

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