Dave Herman
ES6 Deep Dive
Symbols, Structs, Generators
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No content
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About me
• @littlecalculist
• http://calculist.org
• http://github.com/dherman
• Mozilla Research
• TC39
• Also…
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In print this December
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JS property names are strings
var obj = { foo: 42 };
obj["foo"]; // 42
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The all-powerful _ character
function Dict() {
this._entries = {};
Don’t touch me,
I’m private!
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When you mean business…
private SO PRIVATE
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Conventions are no guarantee
function SuperClass() {
this._data = "superclass private data";
function SubClass() {
this._data = "subclass private data"; // collision!
SubClass.prototype = Object.create(SuperClass.prototype);
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Closures for information hiding
function SuperClass() {
var data = "private data";
this.method = function() {
/* ... */ data /* ... */
no sharing: one
method per
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Introducing symbols
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Introducing symbols
var sym = new Symbol("data");
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Introducing symbols
var sym = new Symbol("data");
function SuperClass() {
this[sym] = "private data";
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Introducing symbols
var sym = new Symbol("data");
function SuperClass() {
this[sym] = "private data";
SuperClass.prototype.method = function() {
/* ... */ this[sym] /* ... */
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Introducing symbols
var obj = new SuperClass();
"data" in obj; // false
"_data" in obj; // false
sym in obj; // true
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• Engines already do string interning
• Convertible to a fixed offset with inline caches
Download three files
var files = [];
["foo", "bar", "baz"].forEach(function(url, i) {
load(url, function(file) {
files.push(file); // no!
if (i === 3) // no!
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Download three files
var files = [];
["foo", "bar", "baz"].forEach(function(url, i) {
load(url, function(file) {
files[i] = file;
if (files.length === 3) // still no!
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Download three files
var files = [], count = 0;
["foo", "bar", "baz"].forEach(function(url, i) {
load(url, function(file) {
files[i] = file;
if (++count === 3)
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JavaScript is concurrent
Cooperative concurrency: easier, but not easy!
Handlers run sequentially but start concurrently.
Shared state 㱺 race conditions 㱺 pain and suffering
task.js: Beautiful concurrency
spawn(function*() {
var files = yield join(load("foo"), load("bar"), load("baz"));
create a task that
can be paused
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Generator functions
function* evenNumbers() {
for (var next = 0; true; next += 2) {
yield next;
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Generator functions
function* evenNumbers() {
for (var next = 0; true; next += 2) {
yield next;
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Generator functions
function* evenNumbers() {
for (var next = 0; true; next += 2) {
yield next;
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Generator functions
function* evenNumbers() {
for (var next = 0; true; next += 2) {
yield next;
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function* f() {
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function* f() {
var g = f();
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function* evenNumbers() { /* ... */ }
var g = evenNumbers();
g.next(); // 0
g.next(); // 2
g.next(); // 4
starts out paused
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Lazy iteration
Dict.prototype.keys = function*() {
for (var key in this._entries)
yield key;
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Iterators work with for-of
var dict = new Dict();
// ...
for (var key of dict.keys()) {
console.log(key + ": " + dict.get(key));