• Simple To-Do List
• Filter your focus
• Organize into Projects
• Areas are Contexts
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Inbox Zero
• A vow to not spend more time on any
given email then it deserves.
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Email is Evil
• Robs you of your attention
• Derails your focus
• Everything is Urgent
• You’re paying mental debt, with interest, for
every unprocessed email in your inbox
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My Verbs
• Delete (or archive)
• Delegate
• Reply
• Process
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• You really don’t need it.
• Act on it, or get rid of it.
• If you really do need it, archive it. But don’t
go crazy...
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• If someone else can service them better, let
• Give yourself a reminder to follow up to
make sure the email got taken care of.
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• Don’t write a novel when a haiku will do.
• Get good at quick replies, and process
emails faster than ever.
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• Does this email require me to do
something now?
• If it takes less than an hour to process, then
Just Do It.
• If it will take longer, capture in your GTD
system, and move on.
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Getting Started
• Set up an Email DMZ
• Quarantine your time
• Schedule an Email Dash, once an hour.
• Stay at zero by the end of each day.
... with room for more
• If life has given you a full plate,
then get a bigger plate.
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Thank you!
• Eric Marden
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Special Thanks
• Special Thanks to all the folks I ripped off
for the topic of this talk, including Merlin
Mann, David Allen, and Life Hacker.
• This talk was driven from my experience
implementing these powerful techniques.