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Peter Gasston @stopsatgreen

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The CSS of Tomorrow

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Predicting the Future “Television won’t last. It’s a flash in the pan.” - Mary Somerville

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Predicting the Future “Home taping is killing music” - BPI

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Predicting the Future “There’s no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance.” - Steve Ballmer, 2007

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I Predict: Cynicism “That sounds cool but it's useless because we'll have to wait for browsers to catch up.”

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The CSS of Tomorrow

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1.42857142857143 (20 ÷ 14) Relative units

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Root-relative units html { font-size: 10px; } p { font-size: 1.4em; }←14px p span { font-size: 0.8572em; }←12px 0.85714285714286

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No content

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Root-relative units html { font-size: 10px; } p { font-size: 1.4rem; }←14px p span { font-size: 1.2rem; }←12px Much better.

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Root-relative units E { width: 65%; } F { width: 76.9231%; }←55% of root 76.923076923077%

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Viewport-relative units 100vw 100vh

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Viewport-relative units E { height: 50vh; width: 75vw; }

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Root-relative units E { width: 65vw; } F { width: 55vw; }←55% of root Pukka.

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Selectors li { color: #00F; } ol li { color: #F00; } li { color: #00F; } ol:not(.foo) li { color: #F00; }

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Selectors ol span, ul span, p span {} *:matches(ol,ul,p) span {}

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Selectors :link, :visited :any-link :local-link

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Selectors a:local-link {} a:local-link(0) {} a:local-link(1)

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Selectors E /foo/ F label /for/ input {} label:hover /for/ input {}

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Selectors E! > F !E > F !E! > F E!!1! > F The Parent Selector!

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Positioning E { position: sticky; } WebKit

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Media Queries

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Media Queries @media (script: 0) {} @media (hover) {} @media (pointer: fine|coarse) {}

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Media Queries @media screen and (min-width: 400px) {} @media screen and (min-width: 960px) {} @media screen and (resolution: 2dppx) {}

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Media Queries @media screen { @media (min-width: 400px) {} @media (min-width: 960px) {} @media (resolution: 2dppx) {} }

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Device Adaptation

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Device Adaptation @viewport { initial-scale: 1; maximum-scale: 2; width: device-width; }

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Device Adaptation @viewport { initial-scale: 1; width: device-width; } @media (min-width: 800px) { @viewport { maximum-scale: 1; } }

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Conditionals @document url('') {} @document url-prefix('') {} @document domain('') {} @document regexp('[a-zA-Z]| \d{3,}/') {} Regular expressions in CSS. Finally!

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Conditionals @supports (columns: 3) {} =

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Images E { background-image: image('foo.svg','foo.png',#F00); } E { background-image: url(foo.png); }

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Images E { background-image: image-set( 'foo.png' 1x, 'foo-hi.png' 2x, 'foo-mega.png' 600dpi ); }

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Images E { background-image: image('foo.svg#xywh=0,0,200,60'); }

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Images #c { background: element(#b); } ‘B’ Actually C A B

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Images E { background-image: conic-gradient(#F00,#0F0,#00F); }

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.holder { display: flex; } .child { width: 30%; } .child { flex: 1; } A B .a { flex: 2; } .b { flex: 1; } Flexbox

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Flexbox .child { align-items: center; flex: 0; justify-content: center; } C A B .outer { flex-direction: column; } .a,.b { order: 2; } .c { order: 1; }

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Grid Layout

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Grid Layout E { display: grid; grid-definition-columns: 1fr 1fr 2fr; } E { grid-definition-columns: 1fr 1fr 2fr; grid-definition-rows: 10em auto 40px; }

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Grid Layout F { grid-column-position: 2; grid-row-position: 2; } A B .a { grid-column: 2 2; } .b { grid-row-span: 3; }

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Grid Templates E { grid-template: 'head head head' 'nav main main' 'foot foot foot'; } .a { grid-area: 'head'; } .b { grid-area: 'main'; } A B

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Overflow E { overflow-x: pages; }

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Overflow E { overflow: fragments; } E::nth-fragment(odd) {}

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Regions A .a { flow-into: foo; } B C D .b, .c, .d { flow-from: foo; } B .b { flow-from: foo; }

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No content

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Exclusions & Shapes E { position: absolute; } wrap-flow: both;

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Exclusions & Shapes E { shape-outside: circle(50%,50%, 400px); } E { shape-inside: circle(50%,50%, 400px); }

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Filters E { filter: grayscale(1); }

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Filters E { filter: custom(url(foo.fs)); }

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Masking E { mask-image: url(foo.png); } + =

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Masking E { clip-path: circle(50%,50%,200px); }

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Cascading Variables :root { var-brand-color: #F00; } h1 { border-color: var(brand-color); color: var(brand-color); }

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Cascading Variables Y!$? $title = 'h1 span'; $brandcolor = '#f00'; .foo $title { border-color: $brandcolor; color: $brandcolor; }

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Hierarchies .foo { border-color: red; } .foo h1 { color: yellow; } .foo h1 em { font-style: normal; } .foo ul { margin: 0; }

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Hierarchies .foo { border-color: red; & h1 { color: yellow; & em { font-style: normal; } } & ul { margin: 0; } }

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Mixins TBC

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“When can we use them?” 1. Browser update cycles are getting faster 2. The market share of IE is shrinking

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“When can we use them?” 1. Your environment 2. How much do you want it?

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Image Credits more-awesome-in-the-80s