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Ingredients for Mobile Success DalMob Conclave – September 2012

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Hi. Chris Voss John Tornow @tophervoss @jdtornow

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Get going Designing Building Shipping

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Getting Started

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Choosing a platform is still a difficult decision.

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vs. Technologies you know Shared platforms Ubiquitous Rapid deployment No install needed Write once, test everywhere Mobile Web Faster Experiences are usually better Offline access Access device hardware App Stores Write everywhere, test everywhere Native

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Your decision isn’t set in stone.

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Choose a platform. Launch. Iterate.

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Designing the Experience

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No content

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Think mobily.

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Think mobily mobilier.

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Think mobily mobilier mobile.

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Where will they be using your app?

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Don’t just mirror an existing website.

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Is this critical information the user needs right now?

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Focus on the primary tasks

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No content

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Make it obvious how to accomplish the tasks

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Make it obvious what the user should do next

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Make it obvious what the user should do next

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Make accomplishing a task fun

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Sweet! It looks just like the “Find My Friends” book I had growing up!

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Developing for the Mobile Web

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The “Modern” mobile Web is really complicated.

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About 90% of “modern” mobile web is WebKit 6% 2% 89% 3% Opera WebKit IEMobile Other Source:

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It’s ok to assume WebKit. But don’t count on it.

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50% of mobile users abandon a page if it doesn’t load in 10 seconds or less.

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Web page performance is crucial.

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Don’t try to emulate native too much. Use the Web for what it is.

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Avoid “all in one” frameworks.

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Use CSS3 animations instead of JavaScript...

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...but fall back to JavaScript if necessary.

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Limit your JavaScript frameworks

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Overkill? jQuery & jQuery UI Backbone.js Underscore.js Sammy.js Spine.js Knockout.js Ember.js

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Use only what you need with micro-frameworks.

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jQuery > Zepto ~8.4k ~32k

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Use intelligent caching and page loading with pushState.

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pushState + Ajax = pjax / defunkt / pjax

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Use “retina” grade graphics sparingly, and only for those that need them.

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Getting a native app off the ground quickly

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CocoaPods is the best way to manage library dependencies in Objective-C projects.

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An example Podfile: platform :ios, '5.0' pod 'AFNetworking', '>= 0.5.1' pod 'NSString-LOLSpeak' pod 'iCarousel', :head target :test, :exclusive => true do pod 'GHUnit' end

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Networking for iOS and OSX pod search AFNetworking

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Networking/Object mapping for iOS and Mac pod search RestKit

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ZUUIRevealController pod search ZUUI

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Facebook SDK pod search Facebook

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Parse Data Browser

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iOS PFObject *post = [PFObject objectWithClassName:@”Post”]; post[@”title”] = @”Hello World”; [post saveInBackground];

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Android ParseObject post = new ParseObject(“Post”); post.put(“title”, “Hello World”); post.saveInBackground();

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Free for up to a million API requests and a million Push Notifications a month

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Easy Push Notifications for iOS and Android

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User Account Management

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In-App Purchases for iOS

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“On-time isn’t cool. You know what’s cool? Early.”

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Break down big projects into bite size chunks.

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Ship something at least every 90 days.

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Daily communication is required.

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Change is inevitable, roll with it.

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Thanks. / presenting / dalmob