Slide 13
Slide 13 text
Core IPython: what makes the “IPython VM”
Interactive Python on steroids
Tab completion, object introspection, better tracebacks, syntax
shortcuts, autoindent, history management, output caching, ...
The %magic command system
Orthogonal namespace to Python’s
Command-line semantics: no parens, no quotes, no commas, –dash
options, ...
Fully extensible and customizable, clean API.
OS Integration
Your filesystem is yours
!echo “to the shell”
x = !command_output
x = f.lower(); !mv $f $x # interpolate Python vars
Software development
%run, %timeit, %debug, %prun
GUI support: %pylab, mayavi, most Qt/Wx/GTK apps: %gui
Easy embedding: “from IPython import embed; embed()”