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Building a National Tile Server Matt Walker @_walkermatt

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What is it? Great Britain base map tile service (TMS) and WMS OS Open (Strategy, Meridian 2, VectorMap District) OS Premium (OS Open + VectorMap Local & OS MasterMap) Smaller areas of Aerial Photography and other base mapping

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© crown copyright 2012

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Who's using it? Exactrak Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management Mendip District Council Public Website Windsor and Maidenhead Public Website Surrey County Council Public Website South Norfolk Council Public Website

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Who's using it? Stockport MBC Public Website Surrey Heath Borough Council Public Website / Intranet GIS Chichester District Council Public Website

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Loader • Python script for loading GML and KML data using OGR • Originally for loading OS GML data (but has been used with other GML and KML data) • Allows the source GML to be prepared and enhanced during loading via Python

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Loader • Fairly fast (national cover OS MasterMap in 2 days) • Concurrent loading via 4 processes into PostgreSQL via PGDump with COPY statements, create indexes once when all data loaded

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PostgreSQL/PostGIS • PostgreSQL v9 with PostGIS v1.5 • 210GB of OS MasterMap and VectorMap Local data and indexes • 10GB for Meridian, Strategi etc. • Separate tablespace for OSMM data; OSMM index; VML data; VML index

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PostgreSQL/PostGIS • During load – fsync = off to avoid flushing to disk too frequently – work_mem = 1GB when building indexes • Effectively read-only once in production so configured for read: – shared_buffers = 2GB – effecitive_cache_size = 4GB

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MapServer • Fast and reliable • Simple configuration • Mature feature set • All data read direct from PostgreSQL

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MapServer • PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" to share connections • OS MasterMap and VectorMap Local generally styled based on featurecode • Using some attributes derived by Loader for CartoText such as orientdeg and anchorposition for better text placement

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MapProxy • Provides caching of map tiles for performance • Exposes WMS, TMS services for your application, serving WMS direct from the cache

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MapProxy • Nice features like only storing one tile for single colour tiles and mixed format caches • Sophisticated cache seeding and management tools • We seed popular areas (urban areas) for our customers and cache is only about 20GB compared to hundreds of GB if pre-seeded

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• ~8 EC2 instances all running Ubuntu • Seperate EBS Volumes for PostgreSQL Data, Indexes and Tile Cache • One Load Balancer in front of the production servers • AWS monitoring for health as well as seperate web monitoring Infrastructure

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• Shared, High Performance, Redundant Cache, possibly S3 SimpleDB or similar • Improved cartography, possibly Mapnik • Co-located hosting for imporved redundency What's next?

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