Patterns enerate relationships
between people and thin s
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20 minutes
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3800 BC
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Neolithic pottery
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“What do these patterns mean?”
“What are these patterns of?”
“What are these patterns for?”
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Questions not to ask of decoration
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“What are these decorations of?”
“What are these decorations for?”
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? ?
? ?
Questions that emphasise the visual …
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? ?
? ?
… emphasise the product
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“the carvin s are not pointin outwards - mutely
tryin to say somethin - they are an essential
element of the material and the social principle
on which they occur”
Maurice Bloch
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What is Craftsmanship?
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#1 The Craftsman is a conduit
+ +
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#2 Craftin is transformative
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#3 Craftin is social
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#4 Craftin binds
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“Patterns enerate relationships between
people and thin s”
Alfred Gell
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Web Desi n
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Web Desi n
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Borrowed Tools
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Borrowed Processes
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Desi n first
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Desi n first
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No content
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New Technolo ies
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New Devices
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Same process
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No content
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No content
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Our processes are broken
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Cult of the Aesthetic
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What can Web Desi n learn from
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The Desi ner is a conduit
+ +
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“Pure visual desi ners need to learn new
skills. Photoshop and Fireworks are like
brin in a knife to a unfi ht.”
Andy Clarke