Reduce Your Footprint
Testing the release early:
the “Release often” mantra
Diana Mounter
November 2010
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Considered design: our toolkit
Human centred design
Participatory design
Agile methodologies
Ethnographic research
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Considered design: our principles
Design for people
Always design in context
Ask questions, reject assumptions
Design with your community
Break up problems into smaller ones
Discover hidden opportunities
Encourage risk taking and celebrate mistakes
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
It’s how we unravel a world of messy situations ...
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
... to design something that works.
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
A year of knowledge, experience, and insights to unravel.
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
A year of knowledge, experience, and insights to unravel.
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Scope workshop
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Scope workshop
Synthesizing outcomes to define scope
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Scope workshop
Synthesizing outcomes to define scope
Desk research
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Scope workshop
Synthesizing outcomes to define scope
Desk research
Observational research and interviews
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Scope workshop
Synthesizing outcomes to define scope
Desk research
Observational research and interviews
Workshopping ideas with the communications team
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Gaining insights into behaviours in the home.
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Gaining insights into behaviours in the home.
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Gaining insights into behaviours in the home.
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Meeting residents, gaining insights through co-design activities
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
User Experience Strategy
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
User Experience Strategy
“ biggest fear is that it will be a
huge success”
- media officer
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
User Experience Strategy
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
User Experience Strategy
Architecting the experience, a human-centered approach
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Keeping focus on the user
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Keeping focus on the user
Sarah, the new mum.
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Keeping focus on the user
Sarah, the new mum.
“I can explore questions and associated
answers from residents filtered by a topic...”
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Student Life Journeys
UNSW Student Life - User
Experience Strategy
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Student Life Journeys
UNSW Student Life - User
Experience Strategy
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Branding was a challenge
“Please simplify the term - it is simply about reducing our impact...”
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
a/b testing
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Branding workshop
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No content
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Seeding content
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
“It would be great if we could get an email when
a new question is posted on the site”
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Iterating on design/architecture
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Iterating on design/architecture
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Iterating on design/architecture
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Agile + participatory
Transparency to the client and to the community
Frequent inspection, feedback and review
Allowed adaption
Helped ensure we are and keep building the right thing.
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Release often
Release, review, get feedback, improve.
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Release often
Release, review, get feedback, improve.
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Client very happy, yet to market heavily.
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Lots of ! on composting and worm farms
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Council enjoying new platform to promote progress and events
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Reduce Your Footprint - Release often mantra
Looking ahead
Improving design, marketing, making it social.
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Diana is @broccolini