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? Yet another CMS Think twice about it

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Stefano Verna @steffoz 2012 Ruby/ObjC developer at Cantiere Creativo 2010 Partner at weLaika

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Content management system (CMS) • 1 (noun) a software application used to upload, edit, and manage content displayed on a website. A CMS can perform a variety of different tasks for a website, enabling less technical individuals to manage content on a website easily without having an extensive coding background.

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“I’m working on a new CMS that...”

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10 20 30 40 50 60 Wordpress Joomla Drupal vBulletin Typo3 PHP Link Others 22.2 1.9 2.0 3.7 7.0 8.9 54.3 Alexa’s top million sites CMS usage

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10 20 30 40 50 60 Wordpress Joomla Drupal vBulletin Typo3 PHP Link Others 22.2 1.9 2.0 3.7 7.0 8.9 54.3 Alexa’s top million sites CMS usage

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10 20 30 40 50 60 Wordpress Joomla Drupal vBulletin Typo3 PHP Link Others 22.2 1.9 2.0 3.7 7.0 8.9 54.3 Alexa’s top million sites CMS usage

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2.500 Open-source CMS projects ~

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250 Commercial CMS products ~

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0 Do it yourself CMS

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15.000? Grand total (mostly in PHP)

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15.000 unique solutions to a problem?

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“I’m working on a new CMS that...”

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1Vendor lock-in

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Branding strategy 2

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3 Inexperience

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90% of complexity is here 90% is easy stuff

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“When you throw away code and start from scratch, you are throwing away all that knowledge. All those collected bug fixes. Years of programming work.” Joel Spolsky

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Refreshingly new!! pun intended

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3 years ago

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3 complete rewrites

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Railsyard 1 an (internal) experiment

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Users Articles Pages Translations

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Users Articles Pages Translations Users Articles Pages Translations

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Users Articles Pages Translations Users Articles Pages Translations Users Articles Pages Translations

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Users Articles Pages Translations Users Articles Pages Translations Users Articles Pages Translations

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Railsyard 2 naïve open project

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a couple of mentions and committers :(

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Railsyard 3: a serious bet

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Generalist CMS are complex

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Clients need extreme simplicity

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Cra a back-end experience that fits the clients mental model of how the website should be edited Deliver on time and within budget

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Cra a back-end experience that fits the clients mental model of how the website should be edited Deliver on time and within budget and

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Content Management System

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Content Management Framework

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Front-end is not your affair. This is what web frameworks are made for. Routing Controllers Views

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Content to be managed is different 100% of the time. Don’t bother thinking about “standard usage cases”. They don’t exist.

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CMS must have no interface by default?

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Make it dead easy to build an “editing module” for each possibile type of content.

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For each type of content: Create a DB table Listing of existing resources Creation of new resource Editing of existing resource Removal of existing resource

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A form is just a composition of basic editing fields: Text input Text area Checkbox Select/Dropdown File upload

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Artist Artist Artist Artist Name Bio Country Homepage Text input Textarea Dropdown Text input

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List resources

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Railsyard.register  Artist  do    list  do        column  :title        column  :created_at    end end

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Create/edit resource

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No content

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Railsyard.register  Artist  do    form  do        field  :name        field  :bio        field  :country        field  :homepage_url    end end

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90% of complexity 90% is easy stuff

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Version A Version B Remove res. Edit resources List resources

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Railsyard.register  Genre  do    list  do        as_tree        sortable        column  :name        column  :created_at    end end

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Data-export Image galleries Search Translations Authentication Image resize Authorization

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Resource relations Artist Award Award

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Resource relations Artist Award Award

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No content

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Railsyard.register  Artist  do    form  do        #  previous  fields  here        has_many  :awards  do            field  :name            field  :year        end    end end

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Railsyard.register  Artist  do    edit  do      field  :bio,  as:  :wysihtml5    end end

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File uploads

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field  :cover,  as:  :upload Upload field

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has_one  :cover  do      field  :image,  as:  :upload      field  :alt,  :title end Upload field

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has_one  :cover  do      field  :image,  as:  :upload      field  :alt,  :title end Upload field

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image_metas  :cover

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Do you still want to create a CMS? :)

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Gain traction

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Open-source marketing Let the community drive your effort

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Minimize the perceived risk of the product Document everything

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README Website Tutorial/Getting started Demo Support Tests ...

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Recap. Think twice about creating a new CMS (open-source project) yourself; Classic CMS is not meant for web- agencies; CMF is a promising solution to the need of tailored backend UIs; Don’t forget what matters to the community.

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thanks! Stefano Verna @steffoz (