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[email protected] icon-comment icon-comment-alt icon-comments icon-comments-alt icon-credit-card icon-dashboard icon-download icon-download-alt icon-edit icon-envelope icon-envelope-alt icon-key icon-leaf icon-legal icon-lemon icon-lock icon-unlock icon-magic icon-magnet icon-map-marker icon-minus icon-minus-sign icon-resize-horiz icon-resize-verti icon-retweet icon-road icon-rss icon-screenshot icon-search icon-share icon-share-alt icon-shopping-c icon-paper-clip icon-indent-right icon-tab Directional Icons icon-arrow-down icon-arrow-left icon-arrow-right icon-arrow-up icon-chevron-down icon-circle-arrow-down icon-circle-arrow-left icon-circle-arrow-right icon-circle-arrow-up icon-chevron-left icon-car icon-car icon-car icon-car icon-ch Video Player Icons icon-play-circle icon-play icon-step-backward icon-fast-backward icon-fas icon-ste Custom Domains with Github Pages Stephen Thomas

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Web Hosting with Github? • It’s Free • It’s Easy • Built In Version Control (Duh!) • Edit Any Place Any Time (as long as you can fork)

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Goals • hosted on Github • Version control on all assets • Invisible to visitors • Selected projects as URLs ➞ cv project • Other projects as normal • External redirects ➞

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Set Up the Main Site • Create repository named • Add content (HTML, CSS, Javascript) to master branch • is now live

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Map a Custom Domain • Create file “CNAME” in root folder of the master branch. File has single line: • Map domain name to Github in registrar A • Allow optional www prefix www CNAME

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Create Project Sites • For projects that will have a web page (e.g. cv ➞ follow steps in Github documentation to create gh-pages branch

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Redirect to External Sites • Create folder in main site e.g. /blog • Add index.html page to that folder Visit the blog

Please visit the blog.


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Create a Custom 404 Page • Otherwise 404 errors will redirect to standard Github 404 page • Name the page 404.html and drop it in the root directory of the main site