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Advanced Vagrant Usage with Puppet

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I’m Mitchell Hashimoto Also known as @mitchellh

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I made Vagrant. Hopefully you use it. I think you’ll like it.

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I’m an automation freak. This talk will show this to be true.

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Vagrant Usage (Ops Focused)

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Benefits we want from Vagrant...

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“The Cloud” but on your machine.

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Self service. Instant provisioning. Cost efficient. Elastic. Pay per use. Paul Strong’s Cloud

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- Manifest development, both simple and not so simple Benefits We Want

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- Manifest development, both simple and not so simple - Repeatability Benefits We Want

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- Manifest development, both simple and not so simple - Repeatability - Fast feedback Benefits We Want

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- Manifest development, both simple and not so simple - Repeatability - Fast feedback - Confidence Benefits We Want

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Confession: I’ve been doing Puppet full time for awhile now.

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Current state of Vagrant + Puppet...

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Basic manifest development and testing.

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... Yep.

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We can do better. We can do much better.

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We can do better with what is available right now.

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Teaser: We will do magic with what is coming in the future. <3 <3 <3

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My state of Vagrant + Puppet...

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Fully automated Puppet Master setup.

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Testing exported resources, hiera, and nodes.

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Common deploy process across Vagrant and EC2.

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Repeatable workflow of dev to staging to prod.

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Golden master box creation for development.

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Time to share what I’ve learned.

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Advanced Vagrant Usage

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Advanced Vagrant Usage

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Advanced Automation for Puppet Work

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Fully Automated Puppet Master Setup

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I asked: “How do people bring up or recover a Puppet master?”

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“Most people roll their Puppet Master by hand.” - Anonymous PuppetLabs Employee

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Puppet Master is crucial to testing realistic scenarios.

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Automated Puppet Master - Pushing broken Puppet crashes the server.

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Automated Puppet Master - Pushing broken Puppet crashes the server. - Local development against a Puppet Master has benefits.

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Automated Puppet Master - Pushing broken Puppet crashes the server. - Local development against a Puppet Master has benefits. - Automation all the way down.

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Multi-level bootstrap.

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1. Bash script to minimally install Puppet master and agent.

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2. puppet apply to minimally setup Puppet Master infrastructure

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3. puppet agent to completely setup and harden the master.

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Result: Production-quality Puppet Master whenever you need it.

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Slide 43 text do |config| # ... config.vm.hostname = "puppet" config.vm.provision :shell, :path => "" end

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Testing Exported Resources, Hiera, and nodes.

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I asked: “How do people test more than the most basic Puppet module?”

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“I suspect the answer is that they just don't test their modules adequately.” - Anonymous PuppetLabs Employee

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Solution: Automated Puppet Master + Multi-VM

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Automated Puppet Master is production ready: PuppetDB, Hiera, etc.

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Multi-VM enables Vagrant to manage a cluster of machines that can communicate.

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Testing Exported Resources

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Create two nodes. Export one. Collect other. Ruby/Shell script. Testing Exported Resources

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node 'test_exporter' { @@nginx::site { "test": content => "\n", tag => "origin", } } node 'test_collector' { include role::origin }

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Slide 54 text do |config| config.vm.define :export do |n| n.vm.hostname = "test_exporter" n.vm.provision :puppet_server, :options => "--verbose --debug" end config.vm.define :collect do |n| n.vm.hostname = "test_collecter" n.vm.provision :puppet_server, :options => "--verbose --debug" end end

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#!/bin/bash test -f /etc/nginx/sites-available/test

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Testing Hiera

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Create full Hiera hierarchy. Launch node. Test hierarchy.

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--- test_region: "us-east-1" --- test_role: "hiera" --- test_name: "test-hiera”

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Slide 59 text do |config| config.vm.hostname = "test_hiera" config.vm.provision :puppet_server, :options => "--verbose --debug" end end

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node 'test_hiera' { $region = hiera("test_region") $role = hiera("test_role") $name = hiera("test_name") file { "/tmp/results": content => "$region $role $name", mode => "0644", } }

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Testing Nodes

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Create node. Provision. Test behavior.

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Slide 63 text do |config| config.vm.define :master do |master| master.vm.hostname = "puppet" master.vm.provision :shell, :path => "" end config.vm.define :node do |node| node.vm.hostname = "postgresql" node.vm.provision :puppet_server, :options => "--verbose --debug" end end

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Pain points: Node destroy/up requires cert clean on master plus a PuppetDB deactivate.

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Common Deploy Process Across Vagrant and EC2

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Getting your Puppet code to your masters. Solved?

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Goal: Make it the same for Vagrant, production, and anything in between.

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My solution: Bash script to git pull, rsync, and restart the master.

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fab deploy:vagrant fab deploy:production fab deploy:dev-mitchellh

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@task def deploy(environment): # ... run("sudo /opt/puppet-updater/update")

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- Git pull - Find env-* branches for environments. - RSync - Restart Puppet Master Updater Script

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Note: I don’t use Puppet environments for dev because I like to keep production master just for production.

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(Plus, the automated Puppet Master setup is just so easy!)

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Repeatable Workflow From Dev to Staging to Production

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Dev is in VirtualBox. Staging is in EC2. Production is in EC2.

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Goal: Same workflow.

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rake launch:vagrant,postgresql rake destroy:production,riak-001 rake provision:staging,haproxy-002

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Wrapper around vagrant and AWS library.

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Hides some cruft: destroy will cert clean and deactivate from PuppetDB, for example.

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Golden Master Box Creation for Development

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vagrant up a complete dev environment can be slow.

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Take advantage of Puppet’s idempotence and vagrant package

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Two-pass Puppet run for development.

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Pass 1 (pre-package): Installation and configuration.

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Pass 2 (vagrant up): Service starting and maybe configuration.

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vagrant package takes current Vagrant VM and produces a distributable box.

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Build discipline around updating the base box.

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Example: Work on any box you want, update to latest base box prior to committing.

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Bonus points: Put this in a CI.

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Automate All the things

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THANKS! @mitchellh