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Buffers vs. Tabs (And Windows?)

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A buffer is the in-memory text of a file. A window is a viewport on a buffer. A tab page is a collection of windows.

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- Buffers opens multiple files - Windows are for the purpose of splitting the workspace and displaying multiple files - Tabs are a different layout of windows of ALL of your existing buffers

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✔ :buffers (:ls) – show all opened buffers ✔ :bd N – delete buffer with number N ✔ :ball – display all buffers in windows ✔ :b - try it out ✔ :bn :bp :bf :bl next previous first last

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✔ % - buffer in the current window ✔ # - the alternate buffer (the file you edited last) ✔ :b# - to jump between active and previous ✔ a - active buffer (loaded and visible in the current window ✔ u - unlisted buffer (e.g. help file) ✔ h - hidden buffer

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Buffer options (change the behavior of a buffer)

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✔ bufhidden: what happens when the buffer is no longer displayed in a window hide => hide the buffer (like minimizing window) unload => clear everything delete => closes the tab wipe => clear and delete from buffer list

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✔ buftype: what kind of a buffer this window is nofile => not related to a file (tmp register) nowrite => buffer will not be written (used for error window) acwrite => buffer will always be written with BufWriteCmd quickfix => contains list of errors help => useful help command

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✔ swapfile: alternative to buffers (good for great files) ✔ buflisted: buffer shows up in the buffer list

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Example: directory buffer :setlocal buftype=nowrite :setlocal bufhidden=delete :setlocal noswapfile

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Slide 16 text Idea came from Manx's Aztec C compiler Save the error message from the compiler in a file and use Vim to jump to the errors by one

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✔ :ccl - close the quickfix window ✔ :lcl - close the window showing the "location list" for the current window

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:Ack (just uses :quickfix buffer)