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easybook « book publishing as easy as it should be »

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What’s easybook? Free Open-Source software for publishing books and documentation

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Powered by the Symfony Components

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Who’s behind it? @javiereguiluz Javier Eguiluz

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Supported formats

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Devices support

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Built-in features Yaml con guration Console Markdown support Code highlighting Themes Pictures

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Bootstrapping a book

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Configuring the book book: title: "Symfony Live 2012" author: "Symfony Community" edition: "First edition" language: en publication_date: 2012-09-28 contents: - { element: cover } - { element: toc } - { element: chapter, number: 1, content: } - { element: chapter, number: 2, content: } - { element: chapter, number: 3, content: } - { element: prologue, content: } - { element: glossary, content: }

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Configuring editions book: editions: print: format: pdf highlight_code: true include_styles: true isbn: ~ labels: ["appendix", "chapter"] margin: top: 25mm bottom: 25mm inner: 30mm outter: 20mm page_size: A4 theme: clean two_sided: true

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Publishing a book

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Want to contribute? javiereguiluz/easybook Code Documentation Promotion

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Thank You!