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Message Queues with PHP

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About Me Eric Rodriguez Founder @ Founder @
 CTO @ ! • Web entrepreneur • Multi-Language: PHP, Java/Groovy/Grails, .Net, … ! ! ! @wavyx

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Which Rabbit ?!

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RabbitMQ • Message Broker • Open Source • AMPQ implementation • Written in Erlang • Lots of AMQP client libraries • Wide community and commercial support

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Message Queues 101 • Producer = Sender • Consumer = Receiver • Queue = Mailbox

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Use Cases • Send notifications to users • Process heavy work/tasks with multiple workers
 Upload picture, make thumbnails, clear CDN caches… • Distribute logs/messages to multiple endpoints • Interoperability between different platforms • Remote Procedure Call

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 Advanced Message Queuing Protocol • Open Standard Protocol coming from finance • Interoperable Messaging Middleware • Queuing • Routing (point-to-point and publish-and-subscribe) • Reliability • Security

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AMQP Model • Exchange • Queue • Routes

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Exchanges • 4 Types - Direct, Fanout, Topic, Headers • Durability - Exchanges survive a restart • Auto-delete - Exchange deleted when queues empty

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Direct Exchange A Direct Exchange sends a message to a queue if the message's routing key is identical to the binding key for the queue

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Fanout Exchange A Fanout Exchange sends messages 
 to every queue bound to the exchange

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Topic Exchange A Topic Exchange sends a message to a queue if the message's 
 routing key matches the binding key for the queue, using wildcard matching

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Alternatives Check • ZeroMQ - (ZMTP) • Beanstalkd - (Job Server) • Gearman - (Job Server) • HornetQ - (JMS/STOMP) • Apache Kafka - (PubSub) • Apache Qpid - (AMQP) • Apache ActiveMQ - (AMQP) • Apache Apollo - (AMQP)

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Cloud Alternatives • IronMQ • Amazon SQS • StormMQ • Rackspace Queues • Windows Azure Service Bus

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PHP Implementation • php-amqplib - pure php client • PECL AMQP library - built on RabbitMQ C client • amqphp - pure php client • Thumper - library of messaging patterns

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Hello MQ World - send

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Hello MQ World - receive

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Hello MQ World

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Hello MQ World
 basic_publish & basic_consume

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Work Queues / Task Queues • Avoid doing a resource-intensive task immediately • Schedule the task to be done later • Encapsulate a task as a message and send it to a queue • A worker process running in the background will execute the job • Multiple workers will share tasks

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Work Queues - new_task

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Work Queues - worker

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Publish/Subscribe • Task queues: task is delivered to exactly one worker • Pub/Sub: deliver a message to multiple consumers • Published messages are going to be broadcast to all the receivers • Fanout exchanges

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Pub/Sub - emit_log

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Pub/Sub - receive_logs

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Routing • Fanout => Direct exchange • Subscribe only to a subset of the messages • Filter messages based on their routing key

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Routing - emit_log_direct

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Routing - receive_logs_direct

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Topics • Direct exchanges cannot do routing based on multiple criteria • Example: how to combine “severity” and “resource” • Topic exchange: messages are sent with a routing key composed by a list of words, delimited by dots • * (star) can substitute for exactly one word • # (hash) can substitute for zero or more words

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Topics - emit_log_topic

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Topics - receive_logs_topic

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RPC • Work Queues = distribute time-consuming tasks among multiple workers • Remote Procedure Call or RPC = run a function on a remote computer and wait for the result

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RPC - rpc_client 1/2

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RPC - rpc_client 2/2

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RPC - rpc_server

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• Work Queues • Publish/Subscribe • Routing • Topics • Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

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RabbitMqBundle • Fast and Easy to use RabbitMQ with Symfony2 • Use php-amqplib library • Provide messaging pattern (similar to Thumper)

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RabbitMqBundle - Setup

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RabbitMqBundle - Config

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RabbitMqBundle • Producer / Consumer • Callback • RPC • Parallel RPC • Anonymous Consumer • STDIN Producer

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Resources • • • RabbitMQ - AMQP concepts • RedHat - Messaging tutorial • • • • • symfony2-application/

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Books • RabbitMQ in Action • RabbitMQ Cookbook rabbitmq-cookbook/book

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Thank you! [email protected] - @wavyx -