Scaling Sucks
(What I learned in a year about 9 months at Etsy)
Rafe Colburn
Friday, October 5, 12
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What’s Etsy
• “Ebay for twee people” – The Brooklyn
• That place where you buy handmade stuff
• “A tool to help people create small
businesses.” (me)
Friday, October 5, 12
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We’ve already passed the 2011 total in 2012
Friday, October 5, 12
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August 2012 Numbers
• 3.8 million items sold
• 2.4 million new listings
• 1.42 billion page views
Friday, October 5, 12
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Friday, October 5, 12
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(What I learned in a year about 9 months at Etsy)
Continuous deployment
Friday, October 5, 12