Scaling Your Project
Alex Gaynor
PyCon South Africa, 2012
Friday, October 5, 12
Slide 3
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• Software Engineer at
• Python Software Foundation member
• Django software Foundation board
• Django, PyPy, and CPython core developer
Friday, October 5, 12
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What is scaling?
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Scaling is not
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Scalability is the ability of a
project to handle more
linearly with resources
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A website is scalable if
adding N more server
lets it handle N times
more traffic than adding
one server
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A software project is
scalable if adding N
more engineers lets
you ship code N times
faster than adding one
more engineer
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“9 women can’t have a
baby in one month”
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How to scale a project
and a team?
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“Bus factor”
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One-click deployment
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• fabric
• Roll out any revision at any time
• Rollback to a known working state at any
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• Seems to be a relatively new idea.
• Python tools for this aren’t great yet.
• Chef, puppet, salt
One click infrastructure
Friday, October 5, 12