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“Geek Cred”

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What is Web Analytics? The study of the online experience in order to improve it. “Web analytics is the assessment of a variety of data, Including web traffic, web-based transactions, web server performance, usability studies, user submitted information and related sources to help create a generalized understanding of the visitor experience online.” — Web Analytics Demystified Eric T. Peterson

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Why Analyze? • Web Programmers – Identify Technical Restrictions – Report on Broken Pages etc. • Web/Graphic/UI Designers – Report on Monitor Resolutions – Identify Usability Issues – Discover Visitor Patterns • Marketing Manager – Proof of Return on Investment – Identify Opportunities

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How to Analyze • Pay closer attention to the bigger picture & trends. • Consider leveraging both server log data and page tag data into a hybrid approach. • Compare data against itself

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Types of Analytic Software

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Introduction What is Google Analytics? urchin.js GA.js 2004 2005 2007

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Upgrade to Google Analytics 5 • Login • Click “New Version”

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Google Analytics Version 5

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• Dashboard • My Site • Custom Reports

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Hits • Each request to a web server. • A web page may create several individual hits. – Web Page – Images – Other supportive files • Using hits would be like using the number of times a welcome mat is stepped on.

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Page Views • The number of times a web page has been displayed. • An improved page counter. • Can represent popularity site-wide or for particular content. • Only somewhat valuable to determine overall site activity levels.

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Visits (Sessions) • A visit equates to any activity by a visitor during a set time period (usually 30 minutes). • Answers “how many times do people come to my site?” • Could be same person multiple times. • Good to understand what people do during a visit (i.e. pages per visit, time per visit)

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Visitors (Unique, Identified, etc.) • A unique individual, typically based on IP address or cookie. • Uniquely identified visitors are based on a list or database of names. • Improved metric on how many people visit a web site. • Can track how many new visitors compared to repeat visitors. 120.106.15. 196 Suzie Rachel Ellis

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Other metrics • Time on Site • Avg Pages per visit • Bounce Rate • Exit Rate • Conversions

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Bounce Rate • Number of times a visitor arrives at a page, then immediate either hits the back button or leaves the site. • This metric could illustrate a problem with relevancy.

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Client Technical Stats • Browser type, version, size • Operating system, version • Screen colors & resolution • Flash versions • Java & JavaScript Support • Connection type • Connection speed

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Visitor Data Takeaways • Technical data helps you craft a website which is optimized for the ultimate visitor experience. • Provides supporting data for: • Website Size • Mobile Friendly Version • Multi Lingual Version • Increasing Engagement • Increasing Return Visitors

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Traffic Sources Direct Traffic Referral Traffic Search Traffic - Paid / Organic

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Direct Traffic

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Referral Traffic

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Referrers • What sites send visitors to the site? – Banner Ads – Social Media Profiles – Blogs – Other Websites

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Organic vs. Paid Search Traffic

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Organic Search Traffic

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Sets the string as ignored term(s) for Keywords reports. Use this to configure Google Analytics to treat certain search terms as direct traffic, such as when users enter your domain name as a search term. When you set keywords using this method, the search terms are still included in your overall page view counts, but not included as elements in the Keywords reports. _gaq.push(['_addIgnoredOrganic', '']); _ addIgnoredOrganic()

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_addOrganic(newOrganicEngine, newOrganicKeyword, opt_prepend) Adds a search engine to be included as a potential search engine traffic source. By default, Google Analytics recognizes a number of common search engines, but you can add additional search engine sources to the list. parameters String newOrganicEngine Engine for new organic source. String newOrganicKeyword Keyword name for new organic source. boolean opt_prepend If true prepends the new engine to the beginning of the organic source list. If false adds the new engine to the end of the list. This parameter's default value is set to false. _addOrganic()

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Reporting • XML • PDF • CSV • TSV • Send now • Schedule

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Analytic Filters

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1 Exclude all traffic from a domain

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2 Exclude all traffic from an IP address IP ranges with RegEx !!!

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3 Include only traffic to a subdirectory

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4 Include / Exclude filter (1)

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4 Include / Exclude filter (2)

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4 Include / Exclude filter (3)

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5 Search and replace filter (1)

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6 Uppercase / Lowercase filter

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RegEx Regular expressions are used to match or capture portions of a field using wildcards and metacharacters. They are often used for text manipulation tasks. Most of the filters included in Google Analytics use these expressions to match the data and perform an action when a match is achieved. For instance, an exclude filter is designed to exclude the hit if the regular expression in the filter matches the data contained in the field specified by the filter. Regular expressions are text strings that contain characters, numbers, and wildcards. Note that these wildcard characters can be used literally by escaping them with a backslash '\„a. For example, when entering, escape the periods with a backslash: www\.google\.com

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RegEx • . match any single character • * match zero or more of the previous items • + match one or more of the previous items • ? match zero or one of the previous items • () remember contents of parenthesis as item • [] match one item in this list - create a range in a list • | or • ^ match to the beginning of the field • $ match to the end of the field • \ escape any of the above • More:

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RegEx [0o]*c*|road\s*runner|time\s*warner|twc|^okc)

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Takeaways • Paid vs. Organic • Traffic Data helps identify ROI • Data Accuracy is critical, use filters • Referral Sources help identify strong link partners.

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Custom Reporting

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Custom Reporting: Output

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Custom Reporting

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Custom Reporting: Output

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Takeaways • Focus on content, add calls to action, improve navigation. • Use custom reports to unearth patterns

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“Web analytics work best when measurement expectations are clearly defined in advance, not after the fact or on an ad-hoc basis.” - Eric Peterson Conversion > Goals

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• Conversions are select tasks that are completed successfully by your site visitor. • Conversions are typically beneficial to the company‟s bottom line. • Examples: – Requesting a brochure – Subscribing to a newsletter – Purchasing a product or service online – Calling a toll-free number for more info Goals

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• Tracking conversions – Conversions are tracked via a pre-determined conversion path. – The path is entered into the web analytics tool. – The web analytics tool begins tracking conversions as they take place. Goals

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Key Performance Indicators • Actions that lead to revenue • Business objectives • Reinforce branding • Lead to site rejection

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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) • Used to define, measure and determine progress towards an organization‟s online goals. • Unique to the situation. • Measured over time to obtain patterns, trends. • Manner in determining KPIs – What are the business goals for the site? – How are you going to determine whether you‟re making progress towards a goal? What questions are you going to answer? And how?

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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) • Example: Best Buy Supporting Online Activities • Search for products • View products • Add products to shopping cart • Complete checkout process • Business goal: sell products, services; provide customer support KPIs • % of visitors who search • Browse to buy ratio • Cart add rate • Checkout start rate • Checkout completion rate • Order conversion rate • Average order value

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Conversions > eCommerce

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Revenue Analytics

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Product Performance

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Time to Purchase

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Revenue Source

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Specific Keyword

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Get Social!

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The Big Social Experiment Many companies are investing resources into Search and Social Media Marketing without a measurement strategy in place.

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The conversation has shifted

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The Data • In 2010, 89% of CMO‟s tracked social media‟s impact by using standard metrics such as site traffic, page views, and number of fans. • 64% of CMO‟s reported they would increase their social media budgets within the next year.

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Social Monitoring

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Social Monitoring TWEET IT:

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Location Based Social

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Content Management TWEET IT:

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