Slide 13
Slide 13 text
"name": "Batman",
"type": "hero",
"id": 1339970999,
"intelligence": 1.0,
"strength": 0.28,
"speed": 0.27,
"durability": 0.42,
"power": 0.37,
"combat": 1.0,
"Alternate_Identities": "Batman",
"Aliases": "Insider, Matches Malone",
"Nicknames": "The Dark Knight, The Caped Crusader, The Worlds Greatest ...",
"Place_of_birth": "Crest Hill, Bristol Township; Gotham County",
"First_appearance": "Detective Comics #27 (May, 1939)",
"Alignment": "good",
"Gender": "male",
"Race": "",
"Height_cm": "188",
"Height_ft": "6'2",
"Weight_lb": "210",
"Weight_km": "95",
"Eye_color": "blue",
"Hair_color": "black",
"Occupation": "Businessman",
"Base": "Batcave, Stately Wayne Manor, Gotham City; Hall of Justice, Justice League Watchtower",
"Relatives": "Dr. Thomas Wayne (father, deceased), Martha Wayne (mother, deceased), Philip Wayne (uncle,
foster father, deceased), Alfred Pennyworth (butler, foster father), Dick Grayson
(Nightwing - adopted son), Jason Todd (Robin II - adopted son, deceased), Tim Drake (Robin
III - protégé)",
"Group_Affiliation": "Batman Family, Batman Incorporated, Justice League, Outsiders, Wayne Enterprises,
Club of Heroes",
"Friends": "",
"Enemies": "",
"superpower_Ability_Shift": 0,
"superpower_Absorption": 0,
"superpower_Accuracy": 1,
"superpower_Adaptation": 0,
"superpower_Aerokinesis": 0,
Tuesday, October 9, 12