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~/ on the Range

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HTTP/1.1 “Physics for Physics Majors”

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Client Server Proxy Gateway Tunnel Request Response

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// HTTP server. var http = require("http") http.Server(function (request, response) { response.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "text/plain", "Content-Length": 13 }) response.end("Hello, world.") }).listen(1900)

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// TCP client (`telnet`). var net = require("net") net.connect(1900, function () { this.write("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n") this.end("\r\n") }).pipe(process.stdout)

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HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/plain Content-Length: 13 Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 00:20:00 GMT Connection: keep-alive Hello, world. Status Line Headers Body

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100 200 300 400 500 Information Request acknowledged Success Received, understood, and accepted Redirection Client intervention Client Error Bad request Server Error Unfulfillable request

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General Request Response Entity Cache-Control, Connection, Date, Pragma, Trailer, Transfer-Encoding, Upgrade, Via, Warning Accept, Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, Authorization, Expect, From, Host, If-Match, If-Modified- Since, If-None-Match, If-Range, If-Unmodified-Since, Max- Forwards, Proxy-Authorization, Range, Referer, TE, User-Agent Accept-Ranges, Age, ETag, Location, Proxy- Authenticate, Retry-After, Server, Vary, WWW- Authenticate Allow, Content-Encoding, Content-Language, Content- Length, Content-Location, Content-MD5, Content-Range, Content-Type, Expires, Last-Modified

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HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/plain Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 00:20:00 GMT Connection: keep-alive Transfer-Encoding: chunked d Hello, world. 0 Hex Size Indicators parseInt("d", 16) == 13

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Content-Type Content-Encoding The media type of the entity gzip compression; requires decoding

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Request Response Range, If-Range Accept-Ranges: bytes Range, If-Range Content-Range Range, If-Range Content-Length Content-Range Content-Length Content-Range Date Content-Range ETag, Content-Location, Expires, Cache-Control, Vary

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First 500 bytes Next 500 bytes Last 500 bytes Last 500 bytes First and last bytes only bytes=0-499 bytes=500-999 bytes=-500 bytes=9500- bytes=0-0,-1 npm install range-parser

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First 500 bytes Next 500 bytes All except for first 500 bytes Last 500 bytes Requested range not satisfiable bytes 0-499/1234 bytes 500-999/1234 bytes 500-1233/1234 bytes 734-1233/1234 *

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Non-Contiguous Ranges

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HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 00:20:00 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: multipart/byteranges; boundary=BOUNDARY --BOUNDARY ... --BOUNDARY ... --BOUNDARY--

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Content-Type: text/plain Content-Range: bytes 1602-1745/422279 The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. Content-Type: text/plain Content-Range: bytes 193409-193586/422279 be displayed when this actually happens. The indication need not be a dialog box; it could be an icon (for example, a picture of a rotting fish) or some other indicator.

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Partial PUT Requests

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var contentRange, pattern, match if (request.method == "PUT") { contentRange = request.headers["content-range"] pattern = /^bytes ((?:\d+-\d+)|\*)\/(\d+|\*)$/ if ((match = pattern.exec(contentRange))) { request.pipe(fs.createWriteStream("target", { "start": +match[1].split("-")[0] || 0, "flags": "r+" })) } }

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Use Cases

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Resuming interrupted downloads Efficiently retrieving large media files Download accelerators Granular caching

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Thank you! @kitcambridge