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The Modern JavaScript Application Andy Appleton @appltn

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JS is growing up we are doing more and more with it and we need more robust tools

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$(function(){ $('.thing').on('click', function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); var $link = $(this) $.get($link.attr('href'), function(data) { $link.fadeOut(function(){ $('body').append(data); }); }); }); });

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We can do better other languages have rich sets of tools and patterns, we can too!

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Models var Person = Backbone.Model.extend({ sayName: function(){ return this.get('name'); } }); var andy = new Person({ name: 'Andy' }); andy.sayName(); // => 'Andy'

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Collections var People = Backbone.Collection.extend({ sayNames: function(){ return{ return model.get('name'); }).join(', '); } });

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Views var PersonView = Backbone.view.extend({ render: function(){ this.el.innerHTML = this.model.get('name'); } });

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Modules defined chunks of code which list their own dependencies

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Our Model From Earlier define(['path/to/dependency'], function(dependency){ return Backbone.Model.extend({ // Adding methods and properties }); });

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Alternative Syntax define(function(require){ var dependency = require('path/to/dep'); return Backbone.Model.extend({ // Adding methods and properties }); });

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Structure & Conventions Split each module into a separate file

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The Requests!

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The Requests! The Humanity!

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r.js The RequireJS build tool

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$ node r.js -o config.js Concatenate & minify JS into a single file Concatenate & minify CSS via @import

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var input = '

{{ name }}

'; var templateFn = Handlebars.compile(input); var output = templateFn({ name: 'Andy' }); // => '



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var input = ' \ \


\ by {{author}} on {{date}}\ \ {{content}}\ \ ';

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index.html <article> <header> <h1>{{title}}</h1> ...etc my-view.js var input = $('#tpl-name').text(); // ...compile etc

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my-view.js define(function(require){ var templateFn = require('hbs!path/to/tpl'); // View now has access to compiled template // function }); post-template.hbs



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my-view.js define(function(require){ var templateFn = require('hbs!path/to/tpl'); // View now has access to compiled template // function }); post-template.hbs



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Handy Patterns

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Mediator A central object to publish and subscribe to global events

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var mediator = _.clone(Backbone.Events); mediator.on('eventname', function(args){ console.log(args); }); mediator.trigger('eventname', 'sausages'); // => 'sausages''eventname');

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Model Caching sharing model instances across views

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define(function(require){ var _cache = {}, Model = Backbone.Model.extend(); Model.create = function(opts) { if ( && !_cache[]) { _cache[] = new Model(opts); } return _cache[]; }; return Model; });

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define(function(require){ var _cache = {}, Model = Backbone.Model.extend(); Model.create = function(opts) { if ( && !_cache[]) { _cache[] = new Model(opts); } return _cache[]; }; return Model; });

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define(function(require){ var _cache = {}, Model = Backbone.Model.extend(); Model.create = function(opts) { if ( && !_cache[]) { _cache[] = new Model(opts); } return _cache[]; }; return Model; });

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Unit Testing

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var Person = Backbone.Model.extend({ sayName: function(){ return this.get('name'); } }); Our Model From Earlier (again)

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describe('Person model', function(){ describe('#sayName', function(){ it('returns `name` attribute', function(){ var person = new Person({ name: 'Andy' }); expect(person.sayName()).toEqual('Andy'); }); }); });

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Grunt JS command line build tool

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Andy Appleton @appltn