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Slide 1 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Successfully incorporate Lean Startup and Agile techniques into your organisation by Eewei Chen 10 ways you can...

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Slide 2 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Lesson: Design has to be Lean and Agile 16 years

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Slide 3 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 I love working with large organisations! ANYTIME SKY+ SKY GO EPG MOBILE WEB

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Slide 4 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Size Recognition Vision Change the world ALL OF THESE? Clients Awards Trust Adoption Value Empathy Happy people Innovation Impact But what defines a successful organisation? Customers Revenue Time saving Cost reduction

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Slide 5 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 1. Predict the future 2. Balance innovation 3. Solve the real problems 4. Influence the right people 5. “Fit in” 6. Simplify the business 7. Define success 8. Measure success 9. Create an MVP 10. Sustain success What you will learn today

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Slide 6 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Lean Startup is the evolution of Agile * Customer in this case means the client • No backlog • No hierarchy • No tasking • No estimtion • No definition of done • Less waste

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Slide 7 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Why Lean Startup? "For many events, roughly 80% of the effects!come from 20% of the causes." ! (Pareto Principle) 80%!of!software!developed is!waste IAG Consulting, 2008 IAG Consulting, 2008 20/80 rule

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Slide 8 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 “Lean is a production practice that!considers the expenditure of resources for any goal other than the creation of !value!for the end customer to be wasteful,!!and thus a target for elimination.” - Wikipedia What is Lean? MORE VALUE, LESS WORK :-)

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Slide 9 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 The Lean Startup uses validated learning, scientific experimentation, and iterative releases to deliver products and services that accurately meet customer needs with the minimum of initial investment. - Wikipedia What is Lean Startup? BUILD MEASURE LEARN

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Slide 10 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 1. Predict the future

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Slide 11 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” - Peter Drucker, management guru

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Slide 12 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Why do you want to predict the future? 1903 Wright brothers First flight 1886 Ford Model T First car 1937 302 First phone 1943 Biro First non drip pen 1975 Xerox star First GUI 1996 Motorola Startac First mobile phone 2007 iPhone First ‘Smart’ phone 2013 Your product? First... Retention, Market share, brand strength?

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Slide 13 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 no longer exist no one can live without Survival of the fittest

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Slide 14 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Web Mobile TV cinema commute nature home shopping holiday work play exercise family friends dining sport hobbies school sleep R ew ard s? Seco n d screen ? Live event Data analysis? Create a framework

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Slide 15 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 “The data is not up-to-date so I canʼt really make an accurate informed decision...” “They seem to get it wrong when trying to organise my life for me. Do they even know me?” Not timely Not predictable “I wish there were apps that could help me solve specific problems but I just canʼt find them!” Not available * Facebook survey and street interviews Problem: Why don’t live data services work in the apps we use today?* State the biggest problems

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Slide 16 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Observe Activity stream Audience reactions Dash board, graphs, stats Interaction history Interact Collaborate, compete, predict Ask a knowledge expert Choose a reward Live Chat, social networking Remind Live time line Alerts Playback Related content *Screengrabs of Heineken Star Player, ShareTheMatch, One Up Football Connect Show the future is possible “Sky Living Data”

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Slide 17 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 2. Balance innovation

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Slide 18 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Innovation is the development of new customer value through solutions that meet new or old customer and market needs in new ways. - Wikipedia What is Innovation?

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Slide 19 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Optimise and fix Tactical Innovation political process, process, process old tech over analysis less risky not connected comfortable short sighted too busy quick results unproven risk Find the right balance safety in what is known no time to improve

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Slide 20 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 INNOVATION NON-APPLICABILITY Future tech fix Tactical Emerging product not innovative enough idea Not applicable awesome innovation* Good enough * push and join the dots idea idea More applicable innovation

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Slide 21 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Time box it TIME IMPACT potential maximum impact what if... 60% of TIME gives you 95% of IMPACT. Good enough?

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Slide 22 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 3. Solve the real problems

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Slide 23 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Identify the biggest problems

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Slide 24 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Relevance Ease of use Find-a-bility accessibility Monetise Start Find Learn Consume Belong mobile payments idle sourcing social media Point, know & buy second screen mobile advertising Mood monitoring Create an ecosystem

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Slide 25 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Relevance Ease of use Find-a-bility Solve it

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Slide 26 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 4. Influence the right people

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Slide 27 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Connect with anyone you need to Business owner Strategy / Planning Marketing Customer insight UX Design Graphic Design Development Operations Sales Customer Service Customer Training Brand HR Finance CEO Founder Director of design Design team lead Futurist UX Lead Creative Director Strategy consultant Designer New business guy Nerd Producer Teacher Mentor IA BA Manager

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Slide 28 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 • Marketing plan and timings • Tone of voice and brand messaging • Shared awareness of needs TV Viv, Head of Marketing, my mate :-) Create advocates & champions

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Slide 29 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 5. Fit in

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Slide 30 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Roles & Responsibilities RACI Design the process

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Slide 31 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Less is way more KEEP IT LEAN!

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Slide 32 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Share the understanding Thanks Jeff Patton Live Information radiators

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Slide 33 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 6. Simplify the business

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Slide 34 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 What: We make great computers, phones, tablets and TVs How: They are well designed and simple to use Want to buy one? Why: We constantly challenge the status quo; thinking differently to make your world a better place How: Everything we create is beautifully designed, simple to use & useful to you What: We just happen to make great computers, phones, tablets and tvs Are you interested? http:/ / simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action.html Golden Circles Start with the “Why”

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Slide 35 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 For people who need information on the move , the Apple iPhone is a SmartPhone that lets you access email and internet , unlike the Palm Treo , the Apple iPhone removes the fixed keyboard giving you 40% more room to email and browse the internet “Reinventing the phone” + Tag line Sum up your business in one sentence

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Slide 36 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 • Acquisition: arrival from channels • Activation: enjoy the initial visit • Retention: re-visit • Referral: tell others • Revenue: pay for services http:/ / DaveMcClure Pirate metrics AARRR!

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Slide 37 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Business model + Lean Startup

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Slide 38 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 7. Define success

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Slide 39 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 How do you define success? Manufacturing = Production of high quality goods Agile = Working software Lean Startup = Validated learning Lean UX = Outcomes & Impact

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Slide 40 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 How do you define success? Output - EASY Software we build. The materials we produce. Outcome - NOT TOO HARD The immediate change due to delivering output. Impact - VERY HARD The larger change we see over time

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Slide 41 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Output A new sign in page Outcome Users sign in at a higher success rate Impact larger basket value per purchase How do you define success?

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Slide 42 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Assumptions define success criteria We believe by Output, we will Outcome* leading to Impact * Qualitative and or Quantatative

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Slide 43 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Attract Love Appreciate tags interests mood movies mobile ads Value differentiation Affiliate deals “We believe by having the latest movies before Netflix & LoveFilm, we will increase NowTV free trial sign-ups leading to longer term premium subscription signups.” repeat visits referrals Movie consumption channels Now TV assumption

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Slide 44 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 8. Measure success

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Slide 45 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 ASSUMPTION ASSUMPTION ASSUMPTION Difficulty of Implementation Impact Quick wins Differentiator Building blocks Bin it Latest movies before Netflix and LoveFilm... Drive out assumptions

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Slide 46 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Value map assumptions EASY HIGH IMPACT LOW IMPACT DIFFICULT Quick Differentiator Building blocks Bin it Having the latest movies before Netflix & LoveFilm...

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Slide 47 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 De-risk assumptions KNOWN HIGH RISK LOW RISK UNKNOWN Having the latest movies before Netflix & LoveFilm...

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Slide 48 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Innovation accounting, Cohort analysis Split tests saw Wk4 joiners get all changes all at once. Retention was best: - simplified search box - sign in at start of experience - 3 products vs 9 - introduction of Live Chat No vanity metrics please!

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Slide 49 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 9. Create an MVP

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Slide 50 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 What is an experiment? http:/ / Fenyman, the grandfather of Lean Startup?

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Slide 51 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Create an MVP to measure success • Guess • Consequences • Experiment • Assume • Output, Outcome, Impact • MVP Validated learning! Fenyman Ries vs

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Slide 52 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 • Validate biggest assumptions first • ‘Thin slice’ a holistic journey • Continuously add and pull new features (Kanban) • Build, Measure, Learn Do it in small batches

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Slide 53 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 • “In the wild” • Real-time, extra insight • Early pivot or persevere • Fast, furious & fun • Adapt to change Get out of the “building” https:/ / • Guerilla usability • Developers, designers, customers • Lean UX • MVP • Agile

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Slide 54 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 10. Sustain success

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Slide 55 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Optimisation and fixes Tactical Projects Innovation Optimisation and fixes Tactical projects Innovation *Innovation needs to be practical Oil the machine

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Slide 56 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Awesome team Cool tech + clever partnerships Build Measure Learn Release Choose the right tech, partnerships, team Build Measure Learn Release Release Build Measure Learn

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Slide 57 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Good design is: Innovative = early adoption & new prospects Useful = increased repeat visits Aesthetic = improved customer satisfaction (NPS) Understandable = reduced complaints Unobtrusive = reduced task completion time Honest = social media kudos Long lasting = less release cycles Thorough = preferred over competitor Environmentally friendly = accessibility As little design as possible = fewer clicks to content Map principles to success metrics

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Slide 58 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 • Give expert talks • Facilitate creative workshops • Mentor teams Live and breathe it

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Slide 59 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Of 15 innovation champions*, 10 left their organisations to become consultants, 4 joined smaller or startup companies, and 1 retired. ZERO returned to a Fortune 500 company.! Most have Fortune 500 companies and their former organisations as clients. *consultant is not a ‘dirty’ word any more! Be an innovation subversive! * The Association for Managers of Innovation studied why corporate innovation champions struggle to survive. It’s ok to get fired (I did... kinda)

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Slide 60 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 • Start small fires. Fail fast & often. • Pivot based on customer validation. • Persevere past early stage adoption. Build momentum. Idea Idea Don’t stop believing Bin Tactical Awesome Idea Idea Idea Idea Idea Idea Idea Idea Idea

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Slide 61 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 1. Predict the future 2. Balance innovation 3. Solve the real problems 4. Influence the right people 5. “Fit in” 6. Simplify the business 7. Define success 8. Measure success 9. Create an MVP 10. Sustain success Did you learn these today?

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Slide 62 text @ultraman #FOWA #FOM Future of Web Apps, Mobile 2012 Alex Osterwalder Eric Ries Dave Gray http:/ / Eewei Chen http:/ / Thank you. Questions? Jeff Gothelf http:/ / Jonathan Rasmusson http:/ /