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An Introduction to Functional and Reactive Programming Dan Lew

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Functional Reactive Programming

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Reactive Programming

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Proactive Passive

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public class Switch {
 LightBulb lightBulb;
 void onFlip(boolean enabled) {

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Observable Reactive

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public static LightBulb create(Switch theSwitch) {
 LightBulb lightBulb = new LightBulb();
 theSwitch.addOnFlipListener(enabled -> lightBulb.power(enabled));
 return lightBulb;

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Proactive Reactive Who controls LightBulb? Others via power() LightBulb itself Who determines what Switch controls? Switch itself Others via listener Is LightBulb synchronous? Synchronous Asynchronous

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Modularity • Proactive: Modules control each other • Reactive: Modules control themselves

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Why does my db control my UI?

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public class Switch {
 interface OnFlipListener {
 void onFlip(boolean enabled);
 } void addOnFlipListener(OnFlipListener onFlipListener) {
 // ...etc...
 } • Every listener unique • Code cannot be generalized / built-upon • Every listener requires direct access to Switch • Listenable not something that can be passed around

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public class Switch {
 ??? flips() {
 // etc...

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Function Returns… One Many Sync Async

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Function Returns… One Many Sync T Async

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Function Returns… One Many Sync T Iterable Async

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Function Returns… One Many Sync T Iterable Async Future

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Function Returns… One Many Sync T Iterable Async Future Observable

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public class Switch {
 Observable flips() {
 // etc...
 } // Creating the LightBulb… public static LightBulb create(Observable switchObs) {
 LightBulb lightBulb = new LightBulb();
 switchObs.subscribe(enabled -> lightBulb.power(enabled));
 return lightBulb;

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public class Switch {
 Observable flips() {
 // etc...
 } // Creating the LightBulb… public static LightBulb create(Observable observable) {
 LightBulb lightBulb = new LightBulb();
 switchObs.subscribe(enabled -> lightBulb.power(enabled));
 return lightBulb;

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public class Switch {
 Observable flips() {
 // etc...
 } // Creating the LightBulb… public static LightBulb create(Observable observable) {
 LightBulb lightBulb = new LightBulb();
 observable.subscribe(enabled -> lightBulb.power(enabled));
 return lightBulb;

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public class Switch {
 Observable flips() {
 // etc...
 } // Creating the LightBulb… public static LightBulb create(Observable observable) {
 LightBulb lightBulb = new LightBulb();
 observable.subscribe(enabled -> lightBulb.power(enabled));
 return lightBulb;

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public class Switch {
 Observable flips() {
 // etc...
 } // Creating the LightBulb… public static LightBulb create(Observable observable) {
 LightBulb lightBulb = new LightBulb();
 observable.subscribe(enabled -> lightBulb.power(enabled));
 return lightBulb;

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Observable • Collection over time • …can have endings… • …Or errors

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Functional Programming

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int two = add(1, 1); public static int add(int a, int b) {
 System.out.println("You're an idiot for using this function!");
 return a + b;

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int two = add(1, 1); public static int add(int a, int b) {
 System.out.println("You're an idiot for using this function!");
 return a + b;

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int two = add(1, 1); public static int add(int a, int b) {
 System.out.println("You're an idiot for using this function!");
 return a + b;

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int two = add(1, 1); public static int add(int a, int b) {
 System.out.println("You're an idiot for using this function!");
 return a + b;

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int two = add(1, 1); public static int add(int a, int b) {
 System.out.println("You're an idiot for using this function!");
 return a + b;
 } Side effects SUCK

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List numbers = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
 boolean sumEqualsProduct = sum(numbers) == product(numbers); public static int sum(List numbers) {
 int total = 0;
 Iterator it = numbers.iterator();
 while(it.hasNext()) {
 total +=;
 return total;

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List numbers = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
 boolean sumEqualsProduct = sum(numbers) == product(numbers); public static int sum(List numbers) {
 int total = 0;
 Iterator it = numbers.iterator();
 while(it.hasNext()) {
 total +=;
 return total;

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List numbers = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
 boolean sumEqualsProduct = sum(numbers) == product(numbers); public static int sum(List numbers) {
 int total = 0;
 Iterator it = numbers.iterator();
 while(it.hasNext()) {
 total +=;
 return total;
 } Side effects SUCK

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Side Effects • No input List reticulateSplines() • No output void consume(Food food) • Output cannot be derived from input List getResults(int limit) • Modifies parameters void getHitRect(Rect outRect)

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Functional Programming • Pure functions • Immutable data • Higher-order functions

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public static List doubleValues(List input) {
 List output = new ArrayList<>();
 for (Integer value : input) {
 output.add(value * 2);
 return output;
 } Inflexible!

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public interface Function {
 Integer apply(Integer int);
 public static List map(List input, Function fun) {
 List output = new ArrayList<>();
 for (Integer value : input) {
 return output;

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public interface Function {
 Integer apply(Integer int);
 public static List map(List input, Function fun) {
 List output = new ArrayList<>();
 for (Integer value : input) {
 return output;

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public interface Function {
 Integer apply(Integer int);
 public static List map(List input, Function fun) {
 List output = new ArrayList<>();
 for (Integer value : input) {
 return output;

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List numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
 List doubled = map(numbers, i -> i * 2);

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public interface Function {
 R apply(T t);
 public static List map(List input, Function fun) {
 List output = new ArrayList<>();
 for (T value : input) {
 return output;

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List numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
 List doubled = map(numbers, i -> i * 2); List words = Arrays.asList("one", "two", "three");
 List lengths = map(words, s -> s.length());

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List words = Arrays.asList("one", "two", "three");
 List lengths = map(words, s -> s.length());

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Back to reactive land…

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public class Switch {
 enum State {
 Observable flips() {
 // etc...
 } // Creating the LightBulb… public static LightBulb create(Observable switchObs) {
 LightBulb lightBulb = new LightBulb();
 switchObs.subscribe(enabled -> lightBulb.power(enabled));
 return lightBulb;

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public class Switch {
 enum State {
 Observable flips() {
 // etc...
 } // Creating the LightBulb… public static LightBulb create(Observable switchObs) {
 LightBulb lightBulb = new LightBulb();
 switchObs.subscribe(enabled -> lightBulb.power(enabled));
 return lightBulb;

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public class Switch {
 enum State {
 Observable flips() {
 // etc...
 } // Creating the LightBulb… public static LightBulb create(Observable observable) {
 LightBulb lightBulb = new LightBulb();
 observable.subscribe(enabled -> lightBulb.power(enabled));
 return lightBulb;

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 Switch theSwitch = new Switch(); Observable stateObservable = theSwitch.flips(); 
 Observable booleanObservable = stateObservable
 .map(state -> state == State.ON); 

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 Switch theSwitch = new Switch(); 
 Observable stateObservable = theSwitch.flips(); 
 Observable booleanObservable = stateObservable
 .map(state -> state == State.ON); 

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 Switch theSwitch = new Switch(); 
 Observable stateObservable = theSwitch.flips(); 
 Observable booleanObservable = stateObservable
 .map(state -> state == State.ON); 

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 Switch theSwitch = new Switch(); 
 Observable stateObservable = theSwitch.flips(); 
 Observable booleanObservable = stateObservable
 .map(state -> state == State.ON); 

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 Switch theSwitch = new Switch(); 
 Observable stateObservable = theSwitch.flips(); 
 Observable booleanObservable = stateObservable
 .map(state -> state == State.ON); 

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teams boards

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teams boards combineLatest

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• create • defer • from • interval • just • range • repeat • timer • buffer • map • flatMap • switchMap • groupBy • scan • reduce • window • debounce • distinct • elementAt • filter • first • last • ignoreElements • sample • skip • skipLast • skipWhile • take • takeList • takeUntil • combineLatest • zip • merge • concat • amb • startWith • do • observeOn • subscribeOn • delay • publish • throttle • timestamp • retry

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Functional Reactive Programming • Reactive streams • Functional operators

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But why? • Reactive streams • Modularity • Inherently asynchronous • Functional operators • Control flow of streams • Reproduce common logic

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Resources • RxJava introduction: rxjava-part-1/ • Stream explanation: • Reactive duality: • Learn you a Haskell:

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Thanks! • @danlew42 •