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SignalR: Awesome in Real- Time with ASP.NET David Fowler Senior Developer Microsoft Corporation

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What is SignalR? Web UI that updates in real-time Push messages to connected clients An existing name for HTTP push techniques Equivalent technology on node.js

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demo Just show me teh codez…

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Real-time != Chat

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What is SignalR? Real-time, persistent connection abstraction over HTTP

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Simplicity: two-level API Low level Raw strings up and down Broadcast to all clients, groups or individuals Connect, Reconnect & Disconnect

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demo Connections vs. Hubs

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Reach: but what about WebSockets? You use ASP.NET 4.5 on Windows Server 2012 AND Client uses IE10 or latest Chrome, FF, Safari AND Your load balancer/reverse proxy supports it AND Client proxy server/NAT supports it AND Everybody between client & server supports it AND You’re happy coding against raw sockets AND You manage scale-out yourself

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demo Transport negotiation

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Reach: clients for everybody! JavaScript (jQuery) .NET 3.5/4.0/4.5 Silverlight 4/5 Windows Phone 7/7.1 WinRT iOS (community maintained) MonoTouch (community maintained)

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demo Mixed-clients

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Performance: throughput & scale Very high performance on a single box 100,000’s of messages per second Very low memory overhead

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demo Scale-out with Redis

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More awesome… Run it in your ASP.NET application or standalone with self-host on OWIN Run it on OSX or Linux with Mono #1 watched C# repo on GitHub

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What Next? Run make and run the samples in mono develop. MonoTouch and MonoDroid clients Log bugs on github Talk to us in jabbr! Twitter: @davidfowl