Slide 21
Slide 21 text
Critiques of CCSS
The English Language Arts CCSS: 8 concerns
Jane M. Gangi, PhD [link]
1. The elementary text exemplars are primarily by and about White people, thus
privileging White children and marginalizing children of color and the poor
2. The word “analysis” appears 94 times in the CCSS; the word “emotion” twice in a
clinical sort of way, and the word “affect” not at all.
3. The CCSS eliminates reading for pleasure and choice and, although the CCSS
claims to be “internationally benchmarked,” does not say which nations.
4. Music is mentioned once, the visual arts not at all.
5. Albert Einstein would push for more fairy tales; Charles Darwin would push for
poetry (not the 75% - 25% informational : narrative split of the CCSS)
6. By privileging efferent reading the CCSS privilege information processors, over
“aesthetics” (not mentioned until 11th grade).
7. “Close reading” focus = less room for personal connections & local epistemologies
8. Extra money spent on testing can’t go for infrastructure, playgrounds, labs,
libraries, field trips, and teacher Professional Development