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@cuerbot elcuervo

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The Past

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-AJAX -WebSockets

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-AJAX -WebSockets -EventSource

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and the camera?

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Real Time Communication

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MediaStreams aka “let’s see that ugly face”

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MediaStreams PeerConnection aka “let’s see that ugly face”

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MediaStreams PeerConnection aka “let’s see that ugly face” aka “let them see that ugly face”

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MediaStreams PeerConnection DataChannels aka “let’s see that ugly face” aka “let them see that ugly face”

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MediaStreams PeerConnection DataChannels aka “let’s see that ugly face” aka “let them see that ugly face” aka “let’s share Game of Thrones”

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What is it?

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What is it? - Camera and/or mic access

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What is it? - Camera and/or mic access - MediaStreams are synchronized between MediaStreamTracks

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What is it? - Camera and/or mic access - MediaStreams are synchronized between MediaStreamTracks - Can be played in or elements as objectURL

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... navigator.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true }, function(stream) { });

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// Shim navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia;

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... navigator.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true }, function(stream) { });

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... function(stream) { window.URL = URL || webkitURL; var blob = URL.createObjectURL(stream); }

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... var video = document.createElement("video"); video.autoplay = true; video.src = blob; ...

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DEMO TIME aka The power of 10:15 gin and tonic

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Available out of the box in:

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Open Source to the rescue!

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Available out of the box in: all modern browsers and IE8+.

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Everything based on LATEST implementation of WEBRTC from Google’s repo.

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Available out of the box in:

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What do we need?

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-Signaling server XMPP, SIP, HTTP, etc What do we need?

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-Signaling server XMPP, SIP, HTTP, etc -STUN server (optional) Find route to IP What do we need?

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// Peer connection shim var PeerConnection = webkitRTCPeerConnection;

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var out = new PeerConnection(null); out.addStream(stream);

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client 1 app app client 2

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client 1 app app HTTP HTTP client 2

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client 1 app app HTTP Signaling (HTTP, SIP, XMPP, etc) HTTP Signaling (HTTP, SIP, XMPP, etc) client 2

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client 1 app app HTTP Signaling (HTTP, SIP, XMPP, etc) HTTP Signaling (HTTP, SIP, XMPP, etc) P2P client 2

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client 2 client 1 app

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client 2 client 1 app

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client 2 client 1 app

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client 2 client 1 app websockets

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client 2 client 1 app

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client 2 client 1 navigator.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true }, function(stream) { }); app

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client 2 client 1 out.addStream(stream); out.createOffer( function(session) { out.setLocalDescription( session ); sendOffer(); } ); app

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client 2 client 1 O app

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client 2 client 1 O app

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client 2 client 1 app in.setRemoteDescription(offer); in.createAnswer( function(session) { in.setLocalDescription( session ); sendAnswer(); } );

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client 2 client 1 A app

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client 2 client 1 A app

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client 2 client 1 C1 app

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client 2 client 1 C1 app

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client 2 client 1 Cn app

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client 2 client 1 Cn app

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client 2 client 1 app P2P

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client 1 P2P app client 2

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client 1 P2P app client 2 ✔

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DEMO TIME aka The power of beer and friends

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Local Session Description

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Local Session Description what is the local configuration?

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Local Session Description what is the local configuration? Remote Session Description

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Local Session Description what is the local configuration? Remote Session Description what is the remote configuration?

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Local Session Description what is the local configuration? Remote Session Description what is the remote configuration? Remote Transport Candidates

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Local Session Description what is the local configuration? Remote Session Description what is the remote configuration? Remote Transport Candidates how to connect to the remote peer?

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Low Latency

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Low Latency aka Fast and Furious

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Low Latency aka Fast and Furious High Throughput

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Low Latency aka Fast and Furious High Throughput aka send ALL the messages

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Low Latency aka Fast and Furious High Throughput aka send ALL the messages Unreliable send

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Low Latency aka Fast and Furious High Throughput aka send ALL the messages Unreliable send aka possible loss (“Call me maybe”)

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var channel = out.createDataChannel("chat"); channel.send({...});

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var fn = function(event) { var message =; ... } in.addEventListener("datachannel", fn);

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Practical uses

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How can it be done? app client 1 client 2

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How can it be done? app client 1 client 2

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How can it be done? app client 1 client 2 P2P + DataChannel

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How can it be done? app client 3 client 4 client 1 client 2

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How can it be done? app client 3 client 4 client 1 client 2

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How can it be done? app client 3 client 4 client 1 client 2

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How can it be done?

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app How can it be done?

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app How can it be done?

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app 40ms How can it be done?

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app 40ms How can it be done?

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app 40ms 200ms How can it be done?

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app 40ms 200ms 30ms How can it be done?

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app 40ms 200ms 30ms How can it be done?

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app 40ms 200ms 30ms How can it be done? 50ms

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How about Ruby?

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How about Ruby? - No WebRTC implementation available (yet)

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How about Ruby? - No WebRTC implementation available (yet) - Native C++ API (libjingle)

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How about Ruby? - No WebRTC implementation available (yet) - Native C++ API (libjingle) - Multiple signaling options (goliath, websocket-rack, rack-stream)

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How about Ruby? - No WebRTC implementation available (yet) - Native C++ API (libjingle) - Multiple signaling options (goliath, websocket-rack, rack-stream) interested? ping me

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One more thing

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Not Free 28% Partially Free 43% Free 30% Woldwide Internet Freedom

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How can it be done?

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free non-free

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free non-free ✔

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free non-free ✔

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free non-free non-free ✔

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free non-free non-free non-free non-free non-free non-free ✔

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You choose the future of the web

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The storm is coming… are you ready?

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Thank you

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@cuerbot elcuervo