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Disruption Removing Barriers

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PaaS !   Platform as a Service?

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IaaS !   Infrastructure as a Service?

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history !   Amazon Web Services - AWS !   Heroku - bgit push heroku master` !   Continuous Deployment, Integration !   SOLID, DRY, KISS...

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cloud computing !   Making Things Big or Big Things!

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cloud computing !   Compute !   Storage !   Location

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deployment !   What`s the perception to the user?

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deployment !   Process

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deployment !   Build

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deployment !   Deploy

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ideals !   Agile Ideals & Lean Process

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ideals - agile & lean !   Agile !   Lean

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the cool kids !   Wouldn`t it be cool if...

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No content

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Demo Time... !   PaaS Deployment & Iterations

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questions... I`m not done yet though...

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Coding Against the lCloudz A Software Craftsman`s Perspective AKA - Kick Ass Continuously

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The Cloud? !   Utility Computing !   Distributed Computing !   Grid Computing

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Nothing Has Changed... !   But everything has changed...

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Continuous Delivery !   What is continuous delivery?

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Demo Time... !   IaaS Continuous Integration Server !   Continuous Delivery = True

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Discussing... !   Horizontally Scaling !   Getting rid of RDBMS constraints... !   Getting rid of NoSQL limitations... !   Vertical Scale? Trash it.

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Me !   Twitter: @adron ! E-mail: [email protected] !   Blog: ! Company: !   Thor: