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Creating International Communities in Japan Paul McMahon Organizer of Tokyo Rubyist Meetup @pwim

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Ruby is a programming language created by Yukihiro Matsumoto

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7 of 8 Top Ruby Contributors in Japan Nobuyoshi Nakada Japan Yui Naruse Japan Usaku Nakamura Japan Akira Tanaka Japan Koichi Sasada Japan Eric Hodel USA Motohiro Kosaki Japan Shugo Maeda Japan

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José Valim Poland Jeremy Kemper USA Aaron Patterson USA David Heinemeier Hansson USA Xavier Noria Spain Santiago Pastorino Uruguay Josh Peek USA Josh Leighton UK Top 8 Rails Contributors in 5 Countries

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Slide 5 text RubyKaigi2010

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Slide 6 text Tokyo has lots of international devs

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Japanese 47% English 53% Tokyo Rubyist Meetup

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Lessons Learned From Organizing an International Event

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2. Involve Existing Japanese & International Communities Japanese 49% English 51% First Event

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Japanese 50% English 50% Japanese + International Speaker 3. Invite Japanese + International Speaker Japanese 53% English 47% Japanese Speaker Only Japanese 42% English 58% International Speaker Only

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4. The location of event greatly influences who participates

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Japanese 35% English 65% Party in Yoyogi Park

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Japanese 55% English 45% Party at an office

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5. Beer from the beginning

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Your Turn • Involve existing communities • International + Japanese Speaker • At a conventional location • Beer

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International Tokyo Dev Communities • • • • • • •

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Please get in touch! @pwim