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This is the new typography (and the typefaces that make it work) Sunday, 21 October 12

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Gerry Leonidas Sunday, 21 October 12

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Typography & Graphic Communication Sunday, 21 October 12

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Sunday, 21 October 12

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MATD TDi+ [MAResTD] Sunday, 21 October 12

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ῥηθῆναι (aor.pass.inf.): see εἴρω2,ἐρῶ ῥηίδιος (also ῥῄδιος) ep.Ion.adj.: see ῥᾴδιος ῥηίζω Ion.vb.: see ῥᾱίζω ῥήιστος, ῥηίτατος, ῥηίτερος (also ῥῄτερος), ῥηίων: see ῥᾴδιος ῥηκτός ή όν vbl.adj. [ῥήγνῡμι] (of a person) able to be broken or rent (by a weapon or stones), vulnerable Il. AR. ῥῆμα ατος n. [εἴρω2; ἐρῶ] 1 something said or spoken, statement Hdt. +; saying by a wise person), maxim Pi. Pl. Men. 2 spoken word, word (, sts. w.connot. of advice) Archil. + 3 spoken word, mere word (opp. actions, reality) Pi. + 4 (ref. to a word or phrase) expression Ar. + 5 (gramm.) verb (opp. ὄνομα noun) Pl. Arist.; phrase (opp. ὄνομα word) Pl. ῥημάτιον ου n. [dimin. ῥῆμα] little phrase Ar. ῥηματίσκιον ου n. [dimin. ῥῆμα] sort of little phrase Pl. ῥήν ῥηνός m. [reltd. ἀρήν; cf. πολύρρην] | only ῥῆνα, dat. pl. ῥήνεσσι | lamb, sheep AR. ῥῆξαι (aor.inf.): see ῥήγνῡμι ῥηξηνορίη ης ep.Ion.f. [ῥηξήνωρ] strength to break the enemy Od. ῥηξ-ήνωρ ορος masc.adj. [ῥήγνῡμι, ἀνήρ] breaker of men (epith. of Achilles, ref. either to killing of individuals or to breaking of enemy ranks) Hom. Hes. Demosthenes) Aeschin. 2 (of a person) practising rhetoric, good at oratory Isoc. Pl. Arist. ῥητορικῶς adv. in the manner of an orator, rhetorically Pl. Aeschin. Arist. Plu. ῥητός ή όν vbl.adj. [εἴρω2; ἐρῶ] 1 (of persons) spoken of, famed Hes. 2 (of a payment, a reward, a sum of money) stated, specified Il. Th.; (of a time, a day) Hdt. +; ἐπὶ ῥητοῖς on fixed terms Hdt. E. + 3 (of things) that may be spoken of or said, speakable (opp. what must be kept secret or unspoken) Trag. Isoc. D. Men.; (ref. to what may be said w. propriety or decency) S. D.; ( . ., ref. to what ought not to be spoken of, or cannot be adequately described) S. E.; that may be expressed in language, expressible Pl. 4 (of an answer) express, definite Plb. (math., of magnitudes and quantities) rational Pl. ῥητῶς adv. expressly, distinctly Plb. ῥήτρᾱ ᾱς Ion. ῥήτρη ης f. 1 verbal agreement Od. Call. 2 prescribed code of conduct, ordinance X. 3 (at Sparta) Rhetra (the unwritten law-code of Lycurgus) Plu.; (more gener.) decree, ordinance Tyrt. Plu. ῥήτωρ ορος m. 1 public speaker, orator Pl.; proposer ( . . burs tip o thro 2 bu 3 re ῥησι- ῥῆσις talk 2 (co 3 sp 4 de Ῥῆσο Tro ῥήσσ ῥητέ ῥη Pl. ῥητή ῥητῑ ΄ν ῥητο 2 (co ῥητο 2 || ῥητο the Arist Dem 2 (o Arist ῥη Aesc ῥητό Hes. 2 (o Il. Th 3 (o ὠμέγα [types of documents that interest me] Sunday, 21 October 12

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Sunday, 21 October 12

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[we look (and touch) original things, ] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[and we look at type in use, in detail] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[from Gabiel Bá and Fabio Moon’s Daytripper] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[student drawings for themed toys] Sunday, 21 October 12

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aaaanyway… Sunday, 21 October 12

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1/3 students media and graphic design [the composition of TypoLondon’s audience] Sunday, 21 October 12

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typefaces? typography? [terms that this audience may receive with a…] Sunday, 21 October 12

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WTF! Sunday, 21 October 12

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typo graphy Sunday, 21 October 12

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117 slides more, 2 stories, 1 dedication Sunday, 21 October 12

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typeface design is a mirror [to the way people communicate with texts, and the people involved] Sunday, 21 October 12

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technology modes of reading [typography responds to changes in these two things] Sunday, 21 October 12

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Six stages of typography Sunday, 21 October 12

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0 Me-too documents Sunday, 21 October 12

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[© image of a manuscript with generous use of colour and uniform hierarchy ] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[© image of a manuscript with copious marginal annotations] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[marginal inscription at Delphi] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[‘marginal annotation’ in Athens] Sunday, 21 October 12

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1 Monochrome typography Sunday, 21 October 12

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[inescapable material properties] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[typography prescribed by…] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[the typesetting (and type-making) technologies] Sunday, 21 October 12

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Sunday, 21 October 12

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[which drive typographic hierarchies based on space and type style] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[proccesses that allow immitation] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[preamble to specification] Sunday, 21 October 12

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2 Iron, and early mechanisation Sunday, 21 October 12

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Sunday, 21 October 12

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Sunday, 21 October 12

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[responses to new readers, and new modes of reading] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[still constrained by economies of material properties and manual labour] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[19C technologies reaching well into the 20th] Sunday, 21 October 12

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The Long Nineteenth Century: 1789–1914 [tip o’ the hat to Hobsbawm] Sunday, 21 October 12

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The Really Long Nineteenth Century: 1789–1957 [the typographic ‘long century’] Sunday, 21 October 12

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3 Mechanical typesetting Sunday, 21 October 12

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Sunday, 21 October 12

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Sunday, 21 October 12

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[an industrial process that relies on precision, specification, documentation] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[typesetting manufacturers with global reach and dominance] Sunday, 21 October 12

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4 Photo-electric and early digital typesetting Sunday, 21 October 12

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Sunday, 21 October 12

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Sunday, 21 October 12

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Sunday, 21 October 12

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[one of many insightful comments of the period:] Sunday, 21 October 12

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Sunday, 21 October 12

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4.1 Platform- independent digital Sunday, 21 October 12

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Industry change [collapse of major industries, questions over IP, career and gender impacts] Sunday, 21 October 12

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Role change [designer and draftsperson meld] Sunday, 21 October 12

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4.2 Globalisation and a rethinking of documents [longform writing booms; paragraph- level typography evolves] Sunday, 21 October 12

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Unicode OpenType Sunday, 21 October 12

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[the backbone of fluid information interchange…] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[with the potential for rich typography] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[but still only the beginnings of support for global type] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[blogs helped reading on screen, but are typographically shallow] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[whereas newspapers and magazines demand rich typographic hierarchies] Sunday, 21 October 12

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5 Content maturity on the web Sunday, 21 October 12

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[online is the primary location of content, and an interconnected state is assumed] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[live, typographically rich, accessible, on a global scale] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[as familiar document structures give way to…] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[opaque structures that disguise nature and length of content] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[which focus design challenges at the level of section access] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[and whether a paper edition exists or nor] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[discovery and navigation on smaller screens are the key design challenge] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[where familiar typographic structures and document metaphors persist ] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[and fundamental typographic para- meters survive across techologies] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[such as the stroke-counter rhythm, and line spacing] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[looking beyond typeface details, Didot and…] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[…Emigre share textural and spacing decisions] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[where tablets are and extension of octavo-scale typography] Sunday, 21 October 12

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6 Designed for users, and purpose Sunday, 21 October 12

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[the personal, edited, annotated, connected trajectory through texts is the futture] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[new publishing models rely on this extended typography…] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[for consistency of use, and identity across screen scales] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[publication-level navigation, and customisation] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[where complex distinctions rely on type and colour for differentiation] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[reviving solutions with roots in the manuscript era] Sunday, 21 October 12

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dedication [interlude for a special friend removed] Sunday, 21 October 12

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typefaces! [typeface commentary withheld] Sunday, 21 October 12

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All must quit talking while Fred plays jazz vibes Times Sunday, 21 October 12

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All must quit talking while Fred plays jazz vibes Georgia Sunday, 21 October 12

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All must quit talking while Fred plays jazz vibes Arial Sunday, 21 October 12

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All must quit talking while Fred plays jazz vibes Verdana Sunday, 21 October 12

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All  must  quit   talking  while  Fred   plays  jazz  vibes   Cambria Sunday, 21 October 12

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All  must  quit   talking  while  Fred   plays  jazz  vibes   Calibri Sunday, 21 October 12

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All  must  quit   talking  while  Fred   plays  jazz  vibes   Candara Sunday, 21 October 12

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All must quit talking while Fred plays jazz vibes Skolar Sunday, 21 October 12

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namides bonuper Sunday, 21 October 12

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namides bonuper Sunday, 21 October 12

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All must quit talking while Fred plays jazz vibes FF Tisa Sunday, 21 October 12

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namides bonuper Sunday, 21 October 12

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All must quit talking while Fred plays jazz vibes Elena Sunday, 21 October 12

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namides bonuper Sunday, 21 October 12

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All must quit talking while Fred plays jazz vibes Katari Sunday, 21 October 12

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All must quit talking while Fred plays jazz vibes Capucine Sunday, 21 October 12

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All must quit talking while Fred plays jazz vibes Fenland Sunday, 21 October 12

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Sunday, 21 October 12

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All must quit talking while Fred plays jazz vibes Ideal Sans Sunday, 21 October 12

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All must quit talking while Fred plays jazz vibes (enough already!) Sunday, 21 October 12

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100 Ultra Light only > 60 mm 200 Light pullquotes 300 Light-ish nothing 400 Regular Body text 500 Medium Subheadings Sunday, 21 October 12

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Sunday, 21 October 12

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Sunday, 21 October 12

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[moving towards being able to have very complex typography live, everywhere] Sunday, 21 October 12

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[where reading may primarily happen on a small screen] Sunday, 21 October 12

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Industry change, again [type globalisation is local: world-class designers working locally, not in the NW] Sunday, 21 October 12

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So, now what? [questions for the design students in the audience] Sunday, 21 October 12

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a grounded opinion, on top of an impulse [creativity becomes worthwhile when it is supported by research and reflection] Sunday, 21 October 12

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thank you @gerryleonidas @typefacedesign Sunday, 21 October 12