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Tornado ve Realtime Uygulamalar Burak Dede

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Ben Kimim ? • Yemekepseti - Turkcell Teknoloji • Software Architect • • StartupLabs • Twitter : @burakdede

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Tornado Nedir ? • Friendfeed • Open Source - Facebook 2009 • Web Framework + Web Server • Async - Nonblocking IO •

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Hızlı Tur • Very similar to Google’s WebApp • Built-in Facebook, Twitter auth • Simple and fast templating engine • Long polling • Websockets • Wrapper for Mysql

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Your Web Server (using a bunny) Happy hamster Single threaded (one bunny), so can only handle one request at a time

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Your Web Server (using a bunny) Impatient hamsters (The hamsters are using web browsers to visit your site)

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Your Web Server (using threads, aka bunnies) Happy hamsters 5 bunnies = can handle 5 requests at the same time

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Your Web Server (using threads, aka bunnies) fetching a web API (2 seconds) Long running operations cause a thread to block, causing requests to build up in a queue

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Impatient hamsters fetching a web API (2 seconds) uploading an image (3 seconds) fetching a web API (2 seconds) comet long polling (10 seconds) fetching a web API (2 seconds)

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Your Web Server (event loop, aka hyperactive squid) Replace the bunnies with a single hyperactive squid. The squid runs up and down as fast as it can dealing with each hamster in turn. It fires off any long running I/O operations and then moves on to the next hamster. When the I/O operation reports progress, it does a little more work on behalf of the corresponding hamster.

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Blocking IO

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NonBlocking IO

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Tornado Handlers

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Ana Modüller • tornado.web (RequestHandler – App Class) • tornado.httpserver (Non-blocking server) • tornado.template (Python based engine) • tornado.escape (String manipulation) • tornado.locale (I18N support)

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Diğer Modüller • tornado.auth (Google,facebook,twitter) • tornado.database (Mysql wrapper) • tornado.websocket (Websocket support) • tornado.wsgi (Bidirectional comm.) • tornado.httpclient (Nonblocking http client) • tornado.gen (new!!) • tornado.testing and many more…

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Bunları Yapın • Define settings in Application class • Created BaseHandler and use extend it • Template and UIModule reuse • You only have one thread use properly!! • Write fast queries or use queue

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Bunları Yapmayın • Using one instance not good idea • Nginx «the saver» as reverse proxy • Do not block IOLoop everybody waiting • Ask «Is this right use case ?» • Dont host on Windows stack

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Dezavantajları • Limited number async library • No definite project structure • Templating engine produce stack trace • Only support Http > 1.0 • No direct support for threads • Testing

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Avantajları • Take what you need • CSRF, Secure Cookie… • Simple, elegant, easy to learn • Best lightweight framework for AppEngine • Very fast if you know what you are doing

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Neden Nginx • Knows how to handle “Malformed Input” • Static file performance is great • Very good at load balancing • Battle tested • Unsignificant performance loss • Handle SSL

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Supervisord • Process control system • Deamonize 4 Tornado process • Different ports (e.g 8000,8001,80002,8003) • Supervisorctl check status

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