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Planting the responsive seed Patrick Hamann Breaking Borders - June 2013 g

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Who am I? • @patrickhamann • Client-side developer • CSS and performance geek g

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Who I work for g

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Making the next generation of the Guardian g

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What I’m going to cover today • Why we needed to go responsive • How we are doing it • What we have learnt along the way • Questions g

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The problem g

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Latest news, sport and comment from the Guardian | The Guardian Search g

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g Code smells

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15-30% of the Guardian traffic is mobile g Tablet 11% Mobile 21% Dektop 68% Dektop Mobile Tablet

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A new device landscape

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g Creating a separate mobile experience can actually be a blessing in disguise. It gives you time to re-evaluate, prioritize, strip down and focus on what’s really important. [...] this process eventually changes the way you think about your content, infrastructure, user experience and approach. Brad Frost Planting the seed for a responsive future - 2012

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Benefits of Planting the seed g • Start with a clean slate • Content strategy • Mobile first • Future-friendly platform • Buy one get 4 free!

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The solution g

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What are we doing? g m. www.

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How are we doing it? g • Build upon open software and API’s • Progressive enhancement • Detect features not devices • Modular decoupled systems • Performance by design • Build upon open software and API’s • Progressive enhancement • Detect features not devices • Modular decoupled systems • Performance by design

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Some tech g Scala Play! RequireJS Sass AWS PhantomJS Selenium localStorage CORS Grunt NodeJS Web Fonts Bower Jasmine

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Some tech g Content API

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How are we doing it? g • Build upon open software and API’s • Progressive enhancement • Detect features not devices • Modular decoupled systems • Performance by design

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g As a web developer “cutting the mustard” provides me with an opportunity to wipe the client-side development slate clean and start afresh.. [...] The increasing popularity of mobile web browsing, and the availability of responsive web design has forced my team to refactor how we think a modern webpage should be built. Tom Maslen BBC News - 2012

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Cutting the mustard - modern browser test g

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It’s about browsers not devices

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HTML4 vs HTML5 g

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How are we doing it? g • Build upon open software and API’s • Progressive enhancement • Detect features not devices • Modular decoupled systems • Performance by design

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Your doing it wrong

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Web fonts g • Detect support • Fetch async • Base64 encoded • Batch all fonts as strings in one request • Cache in localStorage • Reduces HTTP requests • Mobile HTTP cache is unreliable

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Responsive images g • Assume everyone is on a low connection • Remove from DOM • Detect connection • Assuming connection may be bad... • Demand load based on features

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Responsive images g WTF?! No SRC attribute?

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How are we doing it? g • Build upon open software and API’s • Progressive enhancement • Detect features not devices • Modular decoupled systems • Performance by design

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Swimlaning g • Each section of the website is its own application and server • (fronts, articles, video, galleries, tag e.t.c) • Deploy individually • If one application fails, the rest continue unharmed • Enforce one blocking request for “core content” per page

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Lazy load secondary content g Sharing Related content Comments Popular content

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Anatomy of a module g .js .html + .scss +

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OOCSS - BEM flavored g

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How are we doing it? g • Build upon open software and API’s • Progressive enhancement • Detect features not devices • Modular decoupled systems • Performance by design

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User load time expectations g

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Performance first g • Compress everything, even HTML (whitespace & gzip) • Caching • Far -future headers, max-age, invalidation • Latency is a big problem on mobile • CDN’s are one solution to this • Load only bare minimum (Images, CSS & JS) • R.U.M

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Navigation timing API g

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R.U.M - Desktop g

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R.U.M - Mobile g

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What we have learnt g

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g Design is not a service, designers must sit in the team.

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g When you can, design in the browser. At the least, decide in the browser.

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g Testing is hard. • It is impossible to test on every device • Build up small core library (Android 2.3, iOS 4, Blackberry 9) • Focus on browsers

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g Every new feature must be justified. • Optimize an existing feature • Remove an existing feature • Don’t add the new feature

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Thank you! @patrickhamann Breaking Borders - June 2013 g We’re hiring!