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DESIGN HACKS with @jm3!

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Design Hacks in 90 minutes 10M who am i 20M design strategies 50M design exercises 10M Q+A

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Who am I, aka, “Why listen to this guy?” ★ CTO, engineer working next to designers for years ★ Watched the flow of power around design to initiate things. ★ Never took design classes. Never read design books. ★ Have designed: beds, chairs, fliers, film titles, dvd labeling systems, signs, slides, ads, t-shirts, album covers, posters, applications, websites @jm3

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Show of hands survey: designers? (hopefully not) ? hackers?

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It’s easier than ever to learn to code… ★ from scarce resources: books, smart people ★ to plentiful + cheap ubiquity: Google, blogs, StackOverflow, Skillshare, General Assembly, etc. ★ (none of which existed when I learned to code.)

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But Design hasn’t bent itself to be very approachable to Engineers yet. ★ While there are dozens of “learn to code” classes popping up, we mostly still think in terms of roles that sound innate: ★ designer vs coder ★ ux designer vs visual designer vs x designer ★ But design ISN’T something you ARE; design is something you do. ★ Design, like code, should be open to everyone!

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Why Hack Design? ★ Lone wolf; you want to work independently. ★ You’re speaking at a conference and want your slides to look cool. ★ You just like learning cool new stuff. ★ Iconoclasty: you hate smarmy people acting like they know something you don’t (this was kinda me) ★ Other?

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What are Design Hacks? ★ Cutting corners? ★ Faking it until you make it? ★ I like to think of it as…

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“The 20% of design that makes 80% of the difference”

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Minimal schooling Free / non-traditional tooling What to learn

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Last Chance for Caffeine

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1 U r Space 12

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1 K w r : raster 13

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1 f p (R,G,B,A) R r r b b ’r big ass array 14

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1 r r ; v r r w . O shrink 15

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Raster scaling 1

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1 I ’ . W b vectors? 17

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1 I malleable 18

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1 infinite scaling

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1 Actual code

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1 (v r b ) S r r fonts! 23

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live demo 1

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Review ★ raster images = pixels ★ vector images= math ★ (fonts can be images)

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1 GIF v. PNG v. JPG v. PDF K w r Formats 26

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1 . f v r ’ f v r : GIF 27

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1 p r b w r r p 8b r 24? PNG 28

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1 r r, DCT p r p JPG 29

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1 pr pr r ( p b ) L r + v PSD 30

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1 ( rr b r ) R r / v r br PDF 31

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2 . Blocking 32

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2 ? A 10% p , w Mona Lisa 33

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2 (probably not)

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2 S pw r , Sketching 35

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2 (S r p )

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2 f r r W r Black+White 2 37

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2 - r v Pr copy- 38

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2 Tr r Tweet 39

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2 M r ’ r . A w b Shipping 42

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2 M r w mantras 43

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3 f . K w Right 20% 45

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3 S + Cr pp G r w Boxes 46

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All the web is boxes

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L r r 3 - r Rect 48

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3 r p… r r . I P p + Pr v w, Crop 50

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3 : r , , p transform 52

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4 Keyboard 62

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4 63

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4 S r F (+ V G f) P w r r Shortcuts 64

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4 M , F (f) . Pr w r isolation 65

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4 p v r w r . L r - Text Tricks 66

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4 - r G p option- 67

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0 P tweets 77

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0 Cr r p r. r No Shame 78

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“The first law of creativity is theft; everything’s stolen from somewhere.” — some guy

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“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough” — A. Einstein

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Design everything. ★ You can only code certain things, but you can design almost everything.

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Thanks! Follow @jm3 on Twitter, Email me at any time