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RESTful Web APIs and MongoDB go for a picnic Nicola Iarocci @nicolaiarocci

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Nicola Iarocci Eve REST API Framework, Cerberus, Events Co-founder @, Book Author, MongoDB Master

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Nicola Iarocci TL;DR Passionate full stack developer

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Il Piccolo Libro di MongoDB edizione italiana del libro di Karl Seguin disponibile per il download @

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your typical old school desktop application

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No content

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Before Client LAN/SQL Database Desktop! Application

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Initial draft Clients “Cloud” Database RESTful ! Web API API iOS Android Website Desktop Client ? ?

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Constraints • minimum viable product first • add features over time • frequent database schema updates • avoid downtime as much as possible

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So we started exploring new paths

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MongoDB and REST ! or why we picked MongoDB for our REST API

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true selling point for me JSON-style data store

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all client to API communication is going to be JSON JSON for transport

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JSON & RESTful API JSON! accepted media type Client JSON! (BSON) Mongo GET maybe we can push directly to client?

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JSON & RESTful API JSON! accepted media type Client JSON! (BSON) Mongo JSON! subset of python dict! (kinda) API GET almost.

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JSON & RESTful API JSON! objects Client JSON! (BSON) Mongo JSON/dict! maps to python dict! (validation layer) API POST also works when posting (adding) items to the database

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made NoSQL easy to grasp (even for a dumbhead like me) Similarity with RDBMS

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Terminology RDBMS Mongo Database Database Table Collection Rows(s) JSON Document Index Index Join Embedding & Linking

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Queries in MongoDB are represented as JSON-style objects What about Queries? // select * from things where x=3 and y="foo" db.things.find({x: 3, y: "foo”});

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Filtering and Sorting native! Mongo! query syntax Client JSON! (BSON) Mongo (very) thin parsing! & validation layer API let’s simply expose MongoDB syntax ?where={x: 3, y: "foo”}

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mapping to and from the database feels more natural JSON all along the pipeline

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Where we’re going we don’t need ORMs. ORM

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dynamic documents allow for painless, progressive evolution Schema-less

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MongoDB drivers are beautiful. Really. PyMongo

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Also in MongoDB • setup is a breeze • lightweight • fast inserts, updates and queries • excellent documentation • great support by 10gen • great community

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REST in practice ! with some MongoDB love

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Collections API entry point + plural nouns Maps to a Mongo collection

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Document API entry point + plural nouns + ID Maps to a collection ObjectID

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Retrieving Resoruce Data GET

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def get_collection(collection):! documents = []! cursor = db(collection).find(where, projection)! for document in cursor:! documents.append(document)! return documents Resource GET find() accepts a python dict as query expression, and returns a cursor we can iterate /contacts?where={“age”: {“$gt”: 20}}&projection={“lastname”: 1}

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def get_collection(collection):! documents = []! cursor = db(collection).find(where, projection)! for document in cursor:! documents.append(document)! return documents Resource GET find() accepts a python dict as query expression, and returns a cursor we can iterate /contacts?where={“age”: {“$gt”: 20}}&projection={“lastname”: 1}

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def get_collection(collection):! documents = []! cursor = db(collection).find(where, projection)! for document in cursor:! documents.append(document)! return documents Resource GET find() accepts a python dict as query expression, and returns a cursor we can iterate /contacts?where={“age”: {“$gt”: 20}}&projection={“lastname”: 1}

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JSON Rendering

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JSON Rendering straight from Mongo

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JSON Rendering

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Editing a Document PATCH

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PATCHing mongo update() method commits updates to the database. def patch_document(collection, original):! (...)! # Perform the update! db(collection).update({"_Id": ObjectId(object_id)}, ! {"$set": updates})!

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PATCHing udpate() takes the unique Id of the document to update def patch_document(collection, original):! (...)! # Perform the update! db(collection).update({"_Id": ObjectId(object_id)}, ! {"$set": updates})!

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PATCHing def patch_document(collection, original):! (...)! # Perform the update! db(collection).update({"_Id": ObjectId(object_id)}, ! {"$set": updates})! $set accepts a dict! with the updates for the db eg: {“active”: False}. updates are atomic

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Creating Resources POST

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def post(collection):! (...)! for key, item in docs.items():! response[ID_FIELD] = db(collection).insert(item) POSTing Take #1 push document and get its ObjectId back from Mongo. like other CRUD operations, inserting is trivial in mongo.

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POSTing Take #2 Bulk inserts!! (let’s look at the code)

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after a lot of tinkering we released an ambitious open source project

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Eve REST API Framework powered by Flask, MongoDB and good intentions

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Beta 0.2 • 1.000+ stargazers • 120 forks • 24 contributors • 7.935 downloads

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Eve Extensions contributed by the community • Eve-ElasticSearch • Eve-SQLAlchemy • Eve-Docs • Eve-Mocks

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Wanna see it running? Hopefully it won’t explode right into my face

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Initial draft Clients “Cloud” Database RESTful ! Web API API iOS Android Website Desktop Client ? ?

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Clients MongoDB Database Adam! eve instance API iOS Android Website Desktop Client Production

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MongoDB Rocks! your RESTful Web API

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Thank you. nicolaiarocci