Pete Hodgson
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No content
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enough about me
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- why do automated testing
- challenges and solutions
- UIAutomation and beyond
- hands on with Frank
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ask questions,
generally heckle
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why do we test?
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why do we test?
interacting with the
app to see what it does
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“does it work?”
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“does it still work?”
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“what’s it supposed
to do anyway?”
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but computers are ...
and we’re not very
good at it ...
manual testing
is tedious ...
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“Computers are designed to do simple
repetitive tasks. The second you have
humans doing repetitive tasks, all the
computers get together late at night
and laugh at you…”
- Neal Ford
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... so automate
your UI testing*
* within reason
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Apple’s solution
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- runs inside Instruments
- write test scripts in javascript
- drives simulator or device
- lives outside of the wider
test automation ecosystem
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No content
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UI testing:
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a basic test script
touch “textField marked:‘login’”
type_into_keyboard “testuser”
touch “textField marked:‘password’”
type_into_keyboard ‘testpassword’
touch “button marked:‘Login’”
Slide 23
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a basic test script
touch “textField marked:‘login’”
type_into_keyboard “testuser”
touch “textField marked:‘password’”
type_into_keyboard ‘testpassword’
touch “button marked:‘Login’”
Slide 24
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a basic test script
touch “textField marked:‘login’”
type_into_keyboard “testuser”
touch “textField marked:‘password’”
type_into_keyboard ‘testpassword’
touch “button marked:‘Login’”
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writes tests which
describe behavior
in terms of user value
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Given, When, Then
Scenario: prompted to log in
Given I am on the home screen
But I am not logged in
When I tap the Friends button
Then I should be on the log in screen
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how does that
magic work?
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* oh the humanity!
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Given I am on the home screen
But I am not logged in
When I tap the Friends button
Then I should be on the log in screen
Cucumber steps
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Cucumber step
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Cucumber step
When /^I tap the Friends button$/ do
touch( “button marked:‘Friends’” )
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Cucumber step
When /^I tap the Friends button$/ do
touch( “button marked:‘Friends’” )
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Cucumber step
When /^I tap the Friends button$/ do
touch( “button marked:‘Friends’” )
When /^I log in as "(.*?)"$/ do |user|
password = password_for_user(user)
touch “textField marked:‘login’”
type_into_keyboard user
touch “textField marked:‘password’”
type_into_keyboard password
touch “button marked:‘Login’”
Slide 39
Slide 39 text
When /^I log in as "(.*?)"$/ do |user|
password = password_for_user(user)
touch “textField marked:‘login’”
type_into_keyboard user
touch “textField marked:‘password’”
type_into_keyboard password
touch “button marked:‘Login’”
Slide 40
Slide 40 text
When /^I log in as "(.*?)"$/ do |user|
password = password_for_user(user)
touch “textField marked:‘login’”
type_into_keyboard user
touch “textField marked:‘password’”
type_into_keyboard password
touch “button marked:‘Login’”
Slide 41
Slide 41 text
When /^I log in as "(.*?)"$/ do |user|
password = password_for_user(user)
touch “textField marked:‘login’”
type_into_keyboard user
touch “textField marked:‘password’”
type_into_keyboard password
touch “button marked:‘Login’”
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When I log in as “tom”
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When I log in as “dick”
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When I log in as “harry”
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cucumber isn’t the
only option
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selecting views
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No content
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No content
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select the view
labeled ‘Shopping List’
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select the view
labeled ‘Shopping List’
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select the view
labeled ‘Shopping List’
Slide 52
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select the view
labeled ‘Shopping List’
too generic
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select the view
labeled ‘Shopping List’
get specific
Slide 54
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select the table cell
labeled ‘Shopping List’
get specific
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No content
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select the table cell
labeled “Ham”?
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select the table cell
labeled “Ham”?
select the check box
labeled “Ham”?
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select the table cell
labeled “Ham”?
select the check box
labeled “Ham”?
select the 2nd check
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brittle tests
select the table cell
labeled “Ham”?
select the check box
labeled “Ham”?
select the 2nd check