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How to Use Images Effectively 9 Strategies for Designing High Impact PowerPoint Slides Chris Lema, @chrislema

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My 5 Quick Rules 1.  Create your own color palette 2.  Create your own layout 3.  Use 2-3 fonts (not 12) 4.  Focus on Alignment & Contrast 5.  Use Great Images ($) & make them bleed!

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Use them to cause some confusion that you will resolve Strategy One

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Use them to highlight some silliness that you will explain Strategy Two

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Use them to tease your audience with something unexpected Strategy Three Warning: Nudity and partial breasts are next…not for minors

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Use them to Visualize something that is Abstract Strategy Four

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Use them to Stimulate an audience Discussion Strategy Five

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Use them to Illustrate the perfectly Obvious Strategy Six

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Use them as a Play on Words Strategy Seven

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Use them to Make a Point Strategy Eight

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Use them to Startle, Cause Laughter & Show Irony Strategy Nine

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50% of our brains react to visual stimuli Images can capture our attention best! Spend the time & $ to get great ones. The Big Takeaways