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IBM Developer Online Meetup Interactive Lab: Building Blockchain Apps with JavaScript Learn about how to use IBM Blockchain Platform (IBP) Taiji Hagino IBM Developer Advocacy Tokyo Team Sr. Developer Advocate IBM Champion Regional Director @taiponrock

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Taiji (Eddie) Hagino Sr. Developer Advocate IBM Champion Program Regional Director IBM Node-RED/Node.js, Swift, Hyperledger Fabric, Functions @taiponrock Please follow me! Books: Node-RED beginner book, DevRel Q&A Articles: I/O Magazine (Node-RED programming)

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Japan Case Studies with Blockchain

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• • "Well-Cho" is a program that supports the wellness of consumers by adding "ale" points to products and services provided by participating companies (wellness support squads) that support consumer wellness. Consumers can use essential ales at “Wellness Stations” that take care of the wellness of consumers, such as health checkups, pharmacies, and massage shops that participate in “Well-Cho”. • The service uses IBM Cloud and IBM Blockchain Platform as their service platform. (Well-Cho)

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• https://www.persol- 21_01/ • The Data Solution Department is a data utilization promotion department with data scientists who are active in each field of business engineer analytics. We conduct business efficiency improvement and new business planning using the latest technology such as machine learning and blockchain. In 2018, we will announce a demonstration experiment of a side business support application that uses the characteristics of blockchain technology, such as “tamper resistance”, “zero downtime”, “smart contract” to support flexible working styles for individuals. Data utilization and technology promotion. (Persol Career)

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• 2000000/ • At JASRAC's "2019 New Year Reporter Roundtable" held on February 4, Michio Asaishi announced that blockchain will be installed from 2020.The blockchain will be used to manage music copyrights and record the usage, collection and distribution history of songs in a form that is difficult to falsify.JASRAC has been conducting a demonstration experiment with IBM Japan in 2018 and has confirmed that music copyright can be managed using blockchain. • They said that by switching to a system that utilizes blockchain, "we do not expect the operating costs of the system to decrease. Rather, it is more important to be able to ensure transparency in the flow of JASRAC's copyright fees." Digital Contents Author Proof of Time Blockchain Hashed Value Timestamp + Digital Signature User ID

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• • Four regional banks, including Iwate Bank, have developed a financial services platform (base) using blockchain (distributed ledger), the core technology of virtual currency. If other financial institutions participate in the future, business partners will be able to use multiple lines of services on a single PC screen, leading to more efficient operations. • Four banks and others established a new company, the Fitting Hub (Morioka), in February. Iwate and IBM Japan have jointly filed a patent for this platform. In addition to developing apps for smartphones, the company will work with other financial institutions. Joint platform based on regional finance Employee User Company Bank A Bank B Company C Local Authority Financial services platform Associated Services A Associated Services B Associated Services C Blockchain Common Authentication

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• • They have decided to introduce the blockchain platform developed and provided by IBM Japan to the next-generation real estate digital platform developed by the company. It has been decided. • It has been decided to develop on the IBM Blockchain Platform (IBP), a blockchain platform based on Hyperledger Fabric provided by IBM Japan. This system enables online application, screening, and rental contracts. Furthermore, with this highly secure platform based on blockchain technology, we anticipate that in the future it will be possible to apply for and contract various services related to residence, such as moving and joining a lifeline. Build a blockchain as a smart contract platform and provide a continuous digital platform Buyer Seller Order Property registration GA Real Estate Smart Trading Platform Consens us Examinatio n Loan Payment confirmation Financing Subsystem Payment Confirmation Subsystem Smart Contract Blockchain network (Contract process)

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IBM Blockchain Platform (IBP)

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10 10 Aug 2015 IBM starts developing first prototype of blockchain technology (Open Blockchain); first client engagements Feb 2016 IBM becomes a founding member of Linux Foundation Hyperledger; donates code and intellectual property Jun 2016 IBM opens first blockchain garages for clients; Hyperledger Fabric v0.6 released Dec 2016 Number of IBM blockchain client engagements now totals over 400 Feb 2018 IBM Blockchain Platform Starter Plan announced at THINK Jul 2017 Fabric 1.0 released; IBM Blockchain Platform announced soon after Nov 2018 IBM introduces hybrid and multi-cloud networks Feb 2019 IBM Blockchain Platform free 2.0 beta IBM Blockchain History

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11 11 Blockchain Solutions provided by IBM Blockchain Solutions - SaaS-type application including Blockchain (No need to purchase IBM Blockchain Platform separately) Global Industry Platform TradeLens IBM Food Trust IBM World Wire Trusted Identity ( IBM Blockchain Platform (IBP – 2types) - for IBM Cloud - for Multi Cloud IBM Blockchain Platform v2 • IBM® Blockchain Platform is full-stack blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS)which is managed by IBM • Provide components for blockchain in the following environment according to customer's request IBM Cloud, On-premises with IBM Cloud Private Other Cloud (e.g. Amazon Web, Azure) Hyperledger Project Open blockchain technology for enterprise

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12 12 IBM Blockchain Platform Roadmap • Fully managed enterprise grade blockchain-as-a-service • Built on Fabric 1.0 • Built on LinuxONE • Entry level developer blockchain environment • Simple one-click provision and easy simulation of a multi-org environment • Same look and feel as Enterprise Plan • New networks provisioned with Fabric v1.1 • Additional data centre locations • Based on Fabric v1.1 • Available in many data centres • Free 30 day trial • Provisioned using IBM Containers • Updated to Fabric v1.2.1 • On-prem peer solution • Built on Fabric v1.2.1 • Provisioned using IBM Cloud Private 08/17 02/18 05/18 06/18 10/18 10/18 Enterprise Plan v1.1 Remote Peer Beta announcment Starter Plan announced Enterprise Plan GA Starter Plan GA Starter Plan v1.2.1 • Next generation platform enabling networks across multi infrastructures • Developer VSCode plug-in for IBP 2/19 v2.0 beta 2Q/19 * v2.0 GA

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13 © 2019 IBM Corporation IBM Confidential 13 IBM Blockchain Platform v2 Overview Infrastructure Hyperledger Fabric IBM Blockchain Platform IBM Blockchain Platform Ledger Developer tools Operator & Governance Tools Smart Contract Application (SDK) Network Components Deployment (Kubernetes) IBM Cloud, AWS, Azure, On premises

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14 14 IBM Blockchain Platform v2 Web Console To add and check Peer / CA / Orderer

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15 15 Smart Contract(Chain- code) list on IBP Console IBM Blockchain Platform v2

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16 16 Admin console for member and smart contract which is belong to Peer/Channel IBM Blockchain Platform v2

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17 Difference in using IBM Blockchain Platform and Hyperledger fabric (open source native) Built from scratch according to customer requirements. Hyperledger Fabric's network management is all executed from the CLI. You can also use the IBM Certified Docker Image. Provides a management console (GUI) for Hyperledger Fabric network development and operation. Infrastructure part can be selected according to customer requirements. Business Application Business Application Development Tools Development Tools Development Tools Development Tools On Premise On Premise Other Cloud Open Source Native

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18 18 "IBM Blockchain Platform" is available to use as VS Code plug-in Chaincode development, Test and Deploy (free) ( Fetures Development Chaincode(Smart Contract) - JavaScript(node.js), TypeScript - Deployment Chaincode, Instantiate, Upgrade easily Test - Build Fabric Network on your local environment with just one click - Create User, Test from Client SDK Sample Code - On GitHub (the link above) Chaincode(node.js), Client code(node.js) Development Environment

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Hands-on (Demo)

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Tutorials IBM fabcar app Hyperledger Fabric Official Tutorial * balance-transfer – It is a simple sample of balance transfer between accounts, but since the creation of Channel- execution of transactions, queries are all executed in the shell, you can refer to the contents of the shell and the application

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