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Rails is A Follower what we can learn from dRuby’s metaprogramming magic Masatoshi SEKI Makoto Inoue

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Makoto Inoue Web Developer @ New Bamboo (UK) Translator of “The dRuby Book”

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Masatoshi Seki Ruby committer Author of dRuby/Rinda Author of ERB Pokemon Master The ERB Book Embed ruby script in any document using ERB

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Seki san @ Work Embedded RealTime Network GUI

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Seki san @ RubyKaigi (06 - 11) 2006 dRuby as a session storage 2007 Rinda: Distributed TupleSpace 2008 RIP ERB 2009 dRuby and BigTable 2010 dRuby and Object Database 2011 Drip: A stream based database

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History of dRuby 1999-3 ERB 1999-9 DRb 2003 committer 2010 pokemon-master 2000 Rinda 1998 started ruby 2006 - 2011 Ruby Kaigi

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Thank you to Our Sponsors Ruby No Kai new bamboo

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Thank you to Our Sponsors @PUPRL @ayumin @arika @mame @ vestige_ @track8 @ nagachika "ruby trunk changes" @ktou Powered by Rabbit @tsuboi @ayako119 @hisashim

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Table Of Contents What is dRuby ? Before dRuby (BD) Designing dRuby Q&A

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What is dRuby? Distributed Object System Can invoke methods in different processes Can send objects between processes Pure Ruby Ruby standard library

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Demo1 Starting up

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Demo2 Which is the server?

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Demo3 Distributed Queue

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dRuby usage: distributed RSpec Used at Cookpad Ask @mrkn for the detail

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dRuby usage: prototyping

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Before dRuby (BD)

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Old-fashioned programmer (BD8) Used to program in old Unix style IPC (Inter-Process Communication) fork/pipe, SystemV IPC

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Simple world of CGI (BD5) request/response, stateless Converted my IPC programs to CGI

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Ruby & shttpsrv (BD1) 1998-9 Met Ruby & shttpsrv

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Ruby & shttpsrv Web server written in Ruby Before WEBrick Small and extensible

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Embedding HTTP into processes Embedding web server into small apps are fun Application communication via HTTP

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Ruby everywhere I used to play with various languages with CGI, but now everything is Ruby

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Not so cool because... Converting Ruby way into Web way HTTP restricts how to exchange objects Server - Client relationship Functional APIʢRPCʣ Cool URL No REST at that time

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I just want Ruby to talk each other Converting Ruby world to Web world is restricting Too much abstraction?

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Back to Ruby They are Ruby objects. Let’s call them in Ruby-ish way

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Back to Ruby Distributed objects acting like Ruby RPC -> RMI Extending Ruby’s method invocation to socket programming

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Why metaprogramming? Need a perfect proxy acting like Ruby Perfect fake that acts like normal Ruby

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Designing dRuby method_missing Marshal ObjectSpace._id2ref & send Other Techniques

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method_missing Respond to unknown methods Used for Proxies to catch method calls

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class DRbObject ... def method_missing(msg_id, *a) succ, result =, msg_id, *a) raise result if ! succ result end ... end

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Marshal Serializes objects

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module DRbProtocol ... def dump(obj, soc) begin str = Marshal::dump(obj) rescue ro = str = Marshal::dump(ro) end soc.write(str) if soc str end ... end

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Marshal File, Thread, Proc raise exceptions If you can not serialize, then serialize its proxy Send Object references

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module DRbProtocol ... def dump(obj, soc) begin str = Marshal::dump(obj) rescue ro = str = Marshal::dump(ro) end soc.write(str) if soc str end ... end

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ObjectSpace._id2ref & send Find a object using object id The server finds the object and dispatches the method to it

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class DRbServer ... ! ro, msg, argv = recv_request(s) ! if ro and ro.ref ! obj = ObjectSpace._id2ref(ro.ref) ! else ! obj = DRb.front ! end ! result = obj.__send__(msg.intern, *argv) ! succ = true ... end

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class DRbServer ... ! ro, msg, argv = recv_request(s) ! if ro and ro.ref ! obj = ObjectSpace._id2ref(ro.ref) ! else ! obj = DRb.front ! end ! result = obj.__send__(msg.intern, *argv) ! succ = true ... end

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Other techniques How do you recover unknown objects? Multithreading Handling method call with block

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Demo4 DRbUnknown

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What has just happened? Who did replace Foo with DRbUnknown?

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class DRbMessage ... def load(soc) ... begin ... Marshal.load(str) rescue NameError, ArgumentError$!, str) ensure ... end ... end end

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class DRbUnknown def initialize(err, buf) case err.to_s when /uninitialized constant (\S+)/ @name = $1 when /undefined class\/module (\S+)/ @name = $1 else @name = nil end @buf = buf end

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class DRbUnknown ... def _dump(lv) @buf end ... end

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What has just happened? How does DRbUnkown#reload work?

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class DRbUnknown ... def self._load(s) begin Marshal::load(s) rescue NameError, ArgumentError$!, s) end end def reload self.class._load(@buf) end end

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Multithreading Ruby socket programming patterns from shttpsrv

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Thread.start(@soc.accept) do |s| begin ro, msg, arg = recv_request(s) ... send_response(s, succ, result) ensure s.close end end

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Handling method call with block kvs.each do |k,v| p v end

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ro, msg, argv, block = recv_request(s) obj = ro_to_obj(ro) if block result = obj.__send__(msg.intern, *argv) do |*x|*x) end else result = obj.__send__(msg.intern, *argv) end

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break? kvs.each do |k,v| break if k == "foo" p v end LocalJumpError: break from proc-closure ! from (druby://eleven.local:61018) ..... ! from (druby://eleven.local:61018) ..... ! from (druby://eleven.local:61018) .....

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def perform_with_block @obj.__send__(@msg_id, *@argv) do |*x| jump_error = nil begin block_value = block_yield(x) rescue LocalJumpError jump_error = $! end if jump_error case jump_error.reason when :break break(jump_error.exit_value) else raise jump_error end end block_value end endɹ

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Did you get it?

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Summary IPC -> http RPC -> dRuby dRuby metaprogramming techniques It’s your turn now.

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My thoughts on Metaprogramming Isn’t metaprogramming too magical? Magic should not look like magic. Your magic is complete if no one notices it

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You have everything you need Now it’s your turn