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Authors Nima Izadi Pierre Corsini Nicolas Dupont Nicolas Fernandez June 17th, 2010 Supervisors Raphaël Bellec Francoise Baude CoffeeTouch: Multi-touch JavaScript Library

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• You said Javascript Library? • Touchpads are more and more used • Multiplication of web applications • Multi-touch in web browsers CONTEXT Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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• Handling multi-touch gestures • Ease of use • Improvable FEATURES Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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My Element
document.getElementById(“myElement”).onG esture( “doubletap”, function(event) { alert(“I’ve been doubletapped!”); }); Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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• Some existing libraries • Nothing more than 2 fingers gesture • Library dependent • Heterogeneous of multi-touch compatibility on browsers STATE OF ART Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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WHAT WE WOULD LIKE TO ADD •A independent JavaScript library •Ease of use •Very few functions •Intuitive event naming •Modular source code Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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MODULES Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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STATE MACHINE Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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• Recognize the action done by a single finger • Three browser’s low level events: -touchstart -touchmove -touchend STATE MACHINE tap fixed drag fixedend doubletap Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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STATE MACHINE @fixed @fixed Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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EVENT ROUTER/GROUPER Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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EVENT ROUTER Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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EVENT GROUPER Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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ANALYSER Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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ANALYSER •Recognize multi-touch gesture •Notify using several names •Two style •Ordered - up,up,down •Unordered - two:up,one:down Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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ANALYSER •Gesture detection: •Pinch - Spread •Rotation •Direction •Composition Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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ORGANISATION •New work environment •Team members had never worked together before •Choice of agile methodology •Scrum •xprograming Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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ORGANISATION •Scrum Frequent feedbacks with supervisors Small and regular increments of the code Keeping a working and up-to-date version Usage of ‘sprints’ Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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ORGANISATION •XPrograming A lot of pair programing No formal unit test but each modules tested independently Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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CONCLUSION •Fully deployable and usable api •Handle many gestures •Easily understandable •Examples •User’s manual Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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PERSPECTIVES •Improvements •Handle gesture sequences •Enhance visibility with a jQuery plugin Presentation Demonstration Our solution Implementation Organisation Conclusion

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Thank you for your attention Special thanks to: • Raphaël Bellec • Françoise Baude • Jérémie Bellec Pictures: •Logos - Polytech / Structure Computation / Scripty 2 / jQuery / Github / IBM (Open source) •Gestureworks - Hands •ObamaPacman - iPad hands-on •Autodesk - Multi-hands •INS Consulting - Puzzles •Ideal - Buddy