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FGSCdb Tracking the global spread of species and chemotypes EM Del Ponte, GM Moreira, CP Nicolli, TJ Ward, C Waalwijk, T van der Lee, Kerry O'Donnell, SN Chulze, SA Steinglein, D Pan, S Vero, Hao Zhang, DJ Tessmann, LJ Vaillancourt, A. Moretti, A. Logrieco Coordination Collaborators

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Major disease of wheat and barley

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Source: Trail (2009) But also for other crops..

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The rise of a species complex Phylogenetic species recognition based on genealogical concordance

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FGSC species and trichothecene profile

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2012: Review on the complex

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First review: FGSC species distribution No quantitative data on species frequency Authors' collection

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First quantitative data from literature on FGSC distribution

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Fusarium graminearum

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Fusarium asiaticum

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Thorough, but only narrative review - no quantitative data

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First online database Limited to European continent

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Maps and plots only in the article

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Searchable and results in tabular format - no graphs and maps

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How to make it? … not alone. Need a great postdoc! Strain info Article info article_ID, pub_order, citation, DOI, title, author 1 to 14, journal_name, vol, num, pages, year, category_jcr, IF, n_citations, country_1 to 6, n_isolates, Fasi, Fboo, Fcor, Fgra, Fmer, Fnep, Fvor, Fasi_DON, Fasi_3ADON, Fasi_15ADON, Fasi_NIV, Fboo_DON, Fboo_15ADON, Fcor_15ADON, Fcor_NIV, Fgra_DON, Fgra_3ADON, Fgra_15ADON, Fgra_FUSX, Fgra_NIV, Fmer_DON, Fmer_15ADON, Fmer_NIV, Fnep_DON, Fvor_DON, Fvor_NIV, Fvor_4ANIV, country_1a to 3a, host_1 to 4. ID, Host,Organ, Cultivar, Location name, Country, Year, Latitude, Longitude, FGSC Species, ID method, Strain code, Collection code, Tri_genotype, Genotyping method, Chemotype, Chemotyping method,chemotyping substrate, Pub1, Pub2,Pub3,Comments Raw data from collaborators Screening and extracting data from articles' tables and supplementals -> FGSC species ID Dr. Glaucia Moreira

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Article info datatable

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Strain info datatable

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HTML report high quality plots Interactive dashboard: maps, plots & tables Data tables Computational work

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RESULTS as of Feb 2020

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Summary of article data: strain info and articles per year peer-reviewed articles 2000 to 2020 52 articles raw data on strain info 33 strain info extracted from articles 20 no strain info 105

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Where are they published and impact? PNAS New Phytologist 35 mean = 2.71 median = 2.94

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Number of articles per author 555 unique authors Authorship analysis: WordCloud Authors per article median = 7 (3 to 9)

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Authorship analysis: Country of authors 33 countries

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Authorship analysis: Country of authors 33 countries

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Authorship collaboration networks Individual article no shared authorship Big nodes: several connections Center of large community Small isolated community

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Country collaboration networks

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Strain summary info - as of Feb. 2020 105 articles 8,843 11,062 3,760 23,665 14,822 not geotagged raw data from authors With known location available in the paper Reported location Included in the strain DB and map

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Global coverage of sampling 105 articles 23,665 strains

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FGSC species prevalence 23,665 strains

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Strains by host – major crops

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Strains by Chemotype – 3 major types

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Correspondence analysis: host, specis and chemotype Small grains Maize Rice

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Open Fusarium strain database Interactive dashboard: maps, graphs and tables

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Open Fusarium strain database Search any field Download results as XLS or PDF file

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Ongoing and future > Submit the manuscript > Encourage authors to deposit raw data > Include links to FusariumID, Fusarium MLST, etc