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Dr. Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez [email protected] office: 14 -227 CSC 307 Introduction to Software Engineering Lecture 07. Patterns

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Homework 1. Due Monday: Quiz 2

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Homework Due Monday: Paint-App 2.0

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Thread, Runnable, and Timer 4 https:/ /

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Relationships 6 Association Directed Association Reflexive Association Multiplicity Aggregation Composition Generalization Realization

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Good Code vs Bad Code 7

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Not Everything that Can be … Should be … 8

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Not Everything that Can be … Should be … 9

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Not Everything that Can be … Should be … 10

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Definition • Design patterns are solutions to software design problems you find again and again in real-world application development. • Patterns are about reusable designs and interactions between objects. • The 23 Gang of Four (GoF) patterns are generally considered the foundation for all other patterns (Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides). 12

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Timeline 13 1989 Beck OO Thinking 1993 Gamma et al. GoF Patterns

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GoF Patterns 14

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Observer 16

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Classroom | Initial Version 17

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Student | Initial Version 18

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Teacher | Initial Version 19

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Observer 20

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Observer 21

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Observable 22

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Classroom | New Version 23

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Student | New Version 24

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Teacher | New Version 25

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Important 26 Do not reinvent the wheel! (Do not make another implementation for classes Observer or Observable -they already exist in libraries!)

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Important 27 Depreciated java.util.Observer java.util.Observable The implementation of these packages That is NOT about the Observer pattern being depreciated.

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Important 28 Use java.beans.PropertyChangeListener java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport

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Classroom | Listener Version 29

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Student | Listener Version 30

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Teacher | Listener Version 31

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Thoughts? 32

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Test Yourselves

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Problem • Imagine a class Teacher running in its own execution thread, forever grading—recording grades as a collection of numerical values. • A panel (PrinterPanel) would like to show the grades as they are generated. • Another panel (StatisticalPanel) would like to show real-time statistics about the grades (how many pass and how many fail). 34

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Homework 35 Reading

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Singleton 37

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Singleton 38

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Singleton 39

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Warning 40 Do not Abuse of the Singleton You are transforming OOP into Structural Programming!! !

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Note 41 Do you remember our class Officer

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Homework 42 Reading

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Decorator Composite

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Decorator | Composite 44

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Decorator | Composite 45

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Decorator | Composite 46

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Decorator 47

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Composite 48

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Example 49

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Component 50

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ConcreteComponent | Ball 51

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Decorator 52

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ConcreteDecoratorOne | Bag 53

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ConcreteDecoratorTwo | Box 54

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Main 55 draw draw draw

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Composite | Example 56 draw

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Decorator vs Inheritance • Both allow you to change how an object behaves. • The decorator pattern allows you to extend (decorate) the functionality of an object at runtime. • Inheritance adds behavior at compilation time. 57

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Homework 58 Reading

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Questions 59

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Lab 07. Astah

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Help me with the Class Diagram in Astah 62 https:/ /

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Let’s Work 63

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CSC 307 Introduction to Software Engineering Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez, Ph.D. [email protected] Summer 2024 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC307 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.