Slide 54
Slide 54 text
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1. Chandramouli, Ramaswamy. "Microservices-based application systems." NIST Special Publication 800.204 (2019)
2. Chandramouli, Ramaswamy, and Zack Butcher. "Building secure microservices-based applications using service-mesh
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3. Chandramouli, Ramaswamy, Zack Butcher, and Aradhna Chetal. "Attribute-based Access Control for Microservices-based
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4. Chandramouli, Ramaswamy. "Implementation of DevSecOps for a Microservices-based Application with Service Mesh."
NIST Special Publication 800.204C (2022)
5. "NGAC Vs RBAC Vs ABAC" Tetrate (accessed July 23, 2022)
6. "Service meshes are on the rise — but greater understanding and experience are required",
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7. "Istio" (accessed July 23, 2022)
8. "Envoy documentation — envoy 1.24.0-dev-6c7513 documentation" (accessed July 23, 2022)
9. Christian E. Posta and Rinor Maloku, "Istio in Action" Manning Publications (2022)
10. Jianfei Hu, "Automate Istio Best security practice", IstioCon 2022 (2022)
11. Yannis Zarkadas, "Kubeflow: Authentication with Istio + Dex" Arrikto (accessed July 23, 2022)
12. Luke Addison. "Istio OIDC Authentication" Jetstack Blog (2021)