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Stop wasting time NOT writing tests

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How many of you are developers?

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How many of you test your applications?

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Some just do manual testing…

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Characteristics of manual testing

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1. Repetitive

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2. Slow

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3. Error prone due to human memory capacity

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“Whatever can be automated will inevitably be automated” - Bob Lord, president of AOL

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What is automated testing?

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Automated testing is a process of writing and executing scripts which will simulate a user using our application before it get’s released to production.

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How is it better than manual testing?

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Slow Repetitive Error prone due to human memory capacity

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Why people don’t write tests? #excuses

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“The application is too small to write tests for it.”

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Small applications tend to grow.

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“writing tests is boring”

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Is clicking around your application whenever something changes, fun?

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“we don’t have a specification, tests are no use at all.”

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STOP. Arrange a meeting with your project manager and sort s**t out.

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“We don’t have time to write tests”

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It doesn’t take extra time to write tests

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The wrong way: manually test write code write tests

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Never separate the application and tests

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The right way: write code write tests

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You’re not wasting time on automated tests - you’re wasting time on initial manual testing

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Testing API’s

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Don’t check your implementation in the browser - from the beginning do it through tests.

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Testing large forms

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Shouldn’t QA engineers handle the testing phase?

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Simple bugs hide the more advanced ones

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Let QA engineers focus on improving the UX, security, weird edge cases…

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Test Driven Development

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order number Order Container identification number Product order date details product name Shipment tracking application Ship name

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My order XYZ shipped on December 21st containing 3 cases of beers, travelling with ship named MARSHALL inside a container with an ID 161

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My order XYZ shipped on December 21st containing 3 cases of beers, travelling with ship named MARSHALL inside a container with an ID 161

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December 21st

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Improve your specification through tests.

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How to start writing tests?

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Writing tests is hard..

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Is programming hard?

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Writing tests is a discipline of it’s own..

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..but as hard as learning a set of design patterns.

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Developer: I want to start writing tests

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Product manager / client: we don’t have time for that, we should work on our new features

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Make tests part of your development cycle

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Kick out manual testing!

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Don’t ask for time to do tests - just do them!

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Damir Svrtan Rails Team Lead @ Infinum Organizer @ Ruby Zagreb Meetup Hit me up on twitter @DamirSvrtan