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Tic-Tac-Toe App with Tornado & WebSockets By Ramesh Sampath APP:

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Ramesh Sampath ● Engineer ○ Build Applications ○ Build Machine Learning models ○ Deploy @sampathweb (github / twitter / linkedin)

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Objective Build and Deploy a Tic-Tac-Toe App that we can play with Friends.

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Audience ● New to WebSockets ● May have built some Webapps ● Want to built a Game / Chat App

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Agenda ● Tic-Tac-Toe - Single Player ● Two Player Game ● WebSockets ● Tornado ● Deploy ● Scaling

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Tic-Tac-Toe App (Command Line)

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Tic Tac Toe Source: Wikipedia

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Demo Command Line Version

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Tic-Tac-Toe - Play with Human

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Two Player Version Web Server Want to Play Other

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Web App Clients Web Server Request Response Web App (Python)

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Web App ● Request / Response ● Scale to lots of connections ○ Short lived ○ Isolated ● Flask / Django over WSGI / Gunicorn & Nginx

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Two Player Version Web Server Want to Play Other

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Web App ● Ajax Long Polling ○ Latency ○ Polling Frequency ○ Server cannot initiate Push ● Blocking - One Request at a Time.

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WebSockets WebSocket is a protocol providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. (RFC 6455)

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WebSockets ● Tunnel Data (String, Blob, ArrayBuffer) ○ JSON ○ XML / HTML ○ Images, Sound, Video

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WebSockets API ● Open ○ var ws = new WebSocket(ws://) ● Send Message ○ ws.send() ● Receive Message ○ ws.onmessage()

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WebSockets Handler Open Socket Connection ● Send Message ● Receive Messages ● Close Connection Handler Handler Handler Handler Application G A M E S T A T E

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WebSockets ● Persistent Connection ● Two-way communication ● Handle Lots of Connections ● Non-Blocking (Async)

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Async Stack Credits: Anton Caceres - Better asynchronous code with Tornado and Python 3 [EuroPython 2015]

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Tornado ● Web Framework ● Single Threaded ● Non-Blocking I/O Concurrency ● Thousands of Requests

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Tornado - When to use it ● Building REST APIs (GET / POST) ● Micro Services ● Slow database queries ● Communicating with external resources ● Need to handle large number of connections

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Code Walkthrough Open Text Editor

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Things to Lookout For ● Async entire code ○ Database Calls - Momoko over SqlAlchemy ○ External HTTP Calls - AsyncHTTP ○ Non Async Libraries ■ Wrapped in coroutines / Threadpool

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Deploy to AWS

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Deploy Steps ● Deploy Notes in the “” file of repo.

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Deployment Handler Application S T A T E Handler Handler Handler Supervisor Process

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Scaling App Handler Application S T A T E Handler Handler Handler Handler Application S T A T E Handler Handler Handler Not Connected

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Problems ● Single Instance of App ○ Latency ○ Number of connections ● Source: Singleton Manager to maintain State

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Scale with Pub/Sub Load Balancer (Nginx) Clients Tornado Process #1 Tornado Process #2 Tornado Process #3 Tornado Process #4 Supervisor Process Pub / Sub (Redis)

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Thank You! Slides: @sampathweb (Github / Twitter / Linkedin)

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WebSockets Web Server Web App (Python) Client Client Client Client Starts with HTTP Handshake