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Creating a Culture of Quality @angelariggs_ Refactr | June 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Angela Riggs @angelariggs_ Portland, OR QA Engineer

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 ! Early childhood teacher " Developer intern #$% QA Engineer

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Sales Discovery Developm ent Release Quality

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Sales Discovery Developm ent Release Quality

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Quality is: A mindset and a culture

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Quality is: How you communicate & collaborate to get work done

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Quality is: Understanding the perspective and needs of other departments

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Quality is: “Shift left” mindset - include everyone throughout the process

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Quality is: Self-accountability for best practices

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Quality is: Flexible processes

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Quality is: Taking pride in your work

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 & 2 years All teams & departments Advocating ) Supporting

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Creating a Culture of Quality Practicing a Culture of Quality Benefiting from a Culture of Quality

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Creating a Culture of Quality @angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Challenges & Solutions @angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Change management

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Shifting to a culture of quality should be supported and gain momentum from the bottom up. @angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Change is hard

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Amygdala hijack

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Fight or flight

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 BICEPS Model

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Belonging Improvement Choice Equity Predictability Significance

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 People want to feel understood People want to feel taken care of People want to be a part of a community Belonging

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Personal growth Professional development Supported to meet goals Improvement

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Choice & control Ownership over environment Involvement in decisions Choice

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Reciprocity Access to resources Access to information Equitable decisions Equity / Equality

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Comfort in routine Able to anticipate changes Consistency in expectations Predictability

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Status Work has value Recognition for contributions Significance

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Change management has to consider people’s core needs

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Allow transition periods Offer a slow roll-out

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 - Listen to feedback Encourage input Include people in the process

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 It’s like writing an essay: Tell them what you’re going to tell them. Tell them. Tell them what you told them. @angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 ℹ Always include the “why”

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 ❓ Why are we doing it this way? ❓ Why is this a pain point? ❓ Why should we change this? ❓ Why haven’t we changed it before now? ❓ Why will this iteration make it better?

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 The “why” adds context

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Communicate Keep people in the loop

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 When your team is a consistent part of the conversation, they’ll be more invested in the decisions being made. @angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Empathy Think ahead to blockers ⏳ Be patient Iterate

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 You’re creating a culture that everyone supports; but make sure that the culture supports everyone. @angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Onboarding is hard

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Onboarding employees to new tools and processes

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 What they need to know When they need to know it Who to ask when there’s a question Where the information is stored

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Make onboarding simple

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 9 I do We do ; You do

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 9 I do We do ; You do

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Check in with your team: Help troubleshoot < Seek feedback Support

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Start documentation READMEs for easy reference ✂ Include tool doc snippets

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Start documentation READMEs for easy reference ✂ Include tool doc snippets

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Makefile to simplify commands

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 pkill -f selenium-standalone; selenium-standalone start; sleep 2s && codeceptjs run --grep "admin-workflow" --profile https:// --reporter mochawesome --reporter-options reportDir=./output, reportFilename=desktop-admin.html; pkill -f selenium-standalone

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 make desktop-admin

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Create testing templates

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 When you lower the barrier of use, your team will be much quicker to adopt new tools and processes. @angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Understand BICEPS core needs Communicate (a lot!) Seek out feedback Change is a collaborative effort Simplify where you can

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Practicing a Culture of Quality @angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 No single tool, test, or person guarantees quality. @angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Quality is the responsibility of:

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Quality is the responsibility of: ✅ Management ✅ Sales Team ✅ Product Managers ✅ Architects ✅ Developers ✅ Testers

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Quality is the responsibility of everyone who interacts with or makes decisions about the product. @angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Management Influence Conversations ⚡ Authority Budget

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Influence Conversations ⚡ Authority Budget Management

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Sales Seed the conversation G Sales proposals Company services

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Seed the conversation G Sales proposals Company services Sales

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Architect I Testing overview Collaborate with tester Architect for easy testing

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 I Testing overview Collaborate with tester Architect for easy testing Architect

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Product Managers ) Advocates for quality ⏰ Quality is worth the time Quality is worth the money

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 ) Advocates for quality ⏰ Quality is worth the time Quality is worth the money Product Managers

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Developers ✅ Test-Driven Development Code Reviews Collaboration Communication

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 ✅ Test-Driven Development Code Reviews Collaboration Communication Developers

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 ✅ Test-Driven Development Code Reviews Collaboration Communication Developers

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 ✅ Test-Driven Development Code Reviews Collaboration Communication Developers

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Testers High-level view Automation DevOps

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 High-level view Automation DevOps Testers

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 A great culture of quality is flexible, with the ability to meet changing requirements. @angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Benefiting From a Culture of Quality @angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Collaboration ☎ Communication Shared understanding Quality ⬆ Confidence

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Collaboration ☎ Communication Shared understanding Quality ⬆ Confidence

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Collaboration ☎ Communication Shared understanding Quality ⬆ Confidence

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Collaboration ☎ Communication Shared understanding Quality ⬆ Confidence

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Collaboration ☎ Communication Shared understanding Quality ⬆ Confidence

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 A culture of quality is a culture of empowerment and trust

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 A culture of quality is a culture of pride

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 A culture of quality is a culture of morale

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Morale: sense of common purpose level of psychological well-being emotional condition, as enthusiasm and confidence

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Morale: sense of common purpose level of psychological well-being emotional condition, as enthusiasm and confidence

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Morale: sense of common purpose level of psychological well-being emotional condition, as enthusiasm and confidence

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 sense of common purpose level of psychological well-being emotional condition, as enthusiasm and confidence Morale:

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Morale is a quality indicator

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Morale leads to engagement

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Morale leads to innovation

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Morale leads to supportive teams

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 The benefits of morale reinforce the benefits of a culture of quality.

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Collaboration ☎ Communication Shared understanding Quality ⬆ Confidence

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 A culture of quality enhances your ability to build and launch high-quality products. @angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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Thank you! @angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Resources

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Lara Hogan Paloma Medina Dealing with Surprising Human Emotions Core Needs: BICEPS

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Vaidehi Joshi Angie Jones Better Code Reviews 10 Commandments of Code Reviews

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@angelariggs_ Refactr | 2019 Project Aristotle Understanding Team Effectiveness