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Matija Marohnić @silvenon

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Maintainable Integration Testing in React

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Integration testing Unit testing End-to-end testing

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Unit testing Are isolated parts of this feature working?

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Integration testing Is this feature supposed to work?

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End-to-end testing Does this feature actually work in a real browser?

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$$$ ¢ E2E Integration Unit Testing pyramid

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•flaky/brittle •“too much of a hassle” •some features are hard to test Case against
 frontend testing

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•flaky → pass and fail with the same code •brittle → easily broken Flaky/brittle

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•an afterthought, something to “deal with later” •not considered an essential part of development “Too much of a hassle”

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•e.g. some advanced APIs •async doesn’t help, it’s often about timing •developers skip challenging tests, but never return Some features are hard to test

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•integration tests focus on features •unit tests focus on implementation details Why “mostly integration”?

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How do you feel after writing a test?

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–Me “A test is useless if you’re equally likely to make a mistake in the implementation and the test itself.”

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•usually developers strive towards 100% •important in libraries and APIs •not really in frontend application code Test coverage

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“You should write tests”

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Testing in React

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•simulating events •traversing through the tree •mounting in the DOM or shallow rendering React test utilities

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Shallow rendering

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Shallow vs. mount Unit vs. integration

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•a complete testing framework •built-in jsdom •powerful assertions •easy mocking Jest

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•Enzyme •built on top of React’s test utilities •useful high-level API •Nock •imitates a server Companion tools

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Example: DataGrid

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•opening a DataGrid displays features of the currently selected layer Testing features Do Don’t •opening a DataGrid makes a certain API request

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•creating a filter causes features to reduce to an expected set Testing features Do Don’t •creating a filter displays a chip component

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What about the API?

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•battle-testing some modules in a cheap way •a disposable crutch during development So when to unit test?

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If the whole thing works together, chances are that its parts are working as well