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(PͰ࡞Δ ΠϯλϥΫςΟϒ ͳ$-*ίϚϯυͱ ͦͷσβΠϯ @lighttiger2505

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ΠϯλϥΫςΟϒJT • ࣮ߦ࣌ͷଈ࠲ʹऴྃ͠ͳ͍ • ϢʔβͷೖྗΛ଴ͭ • ϢʔβͷೖྗʹԠͨ͡ग़ྗΛฦ͢

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௨ৗͷ$-*ίϚϯυ ೖྗ ॲཧ ग़ྗ

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ΠϯλϥΫςΟϒͳ $-*ίϚϯυ Πϕϯτϧʔϓ։࢝ ೖྗ଴ػ ೖྗ ॲཧ ग़ྗ Πϕϯτϧʔϓऴྃ

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5FSNCPYϥΠϒϥϦ • ΠϯλϥΫςΟϒͳCLIίϚϯυ࡞੒ʹඪ४ϥΠϒϥϦͰ ͸଍Γͳ͍ • termbox-go ⾨ຊ೔͸ओʹ͜Εͷ࿩ • • tcell •

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ΠϕϯττϥοΩϯά • ॳظԽ(ϢʔβͷΠϕϯτΛड෇͢Δνϟωϧ࡞ͬͯɺ ϧʔϓͰड͚औΓ) • func Init() error • ΠϕϯττϥοΩϯά(ΠϕϯτνϟωϧʹΠϕϯτ͕౉ ͞ΕΔ·Ͱ·ͭ) • func PollEvent() Event

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syscall goroutine channel Init()

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syscall goroutine channel PollEvent() ΦϨΦϨ ίʔυ Init()

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syscall goroutine channel PollEvent() ΦϨΦϨ ίʔυ Πϕϯτ͸௖͍͍͖ͯ·͢Ͷ Init()

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ඳը • όοΫόοϑΝʹඳը͢ΔจࣈྻΛඳը͍ͯ͘͠ • func SetCell(x, y int, ch rune, fg, bg Attribute) • όοΫόοϑΝΛεΫϦʔϯʹ൓ө • func Flush() error

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termbox.SetCell(10, 5, 'a', termbox.ColorRed, termbox.ColorDefault) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ࢝఺͸(0, 0)

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termbox.SetCell(3, 1, 'a', termbox.ColorRed, ...) termbox.SetCell(6, 3, 'b', termbox.ColorBlue, ...) termbox.SetCell(9, 5, 'c', termbox.ColorGreen, ...) όοΫόοϑΝ aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaabaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaabaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaca aaaaaaaaaaa

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Flush() όοΫόοϑΝ εΫϦʔϯ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaabaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaacaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaabaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaacaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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೺Ѳͨ͠ ؆୯͡Όͳ͍͔

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ΠϯλϥΫςΟϒͳ΍ͭ ࡞ͬͯΈ·ͨ͠

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lͲ͏΍ͬͯ։ൃΛ͖͔ͯͨ͠#” ͭΒΈΛ βϥοͱ͝঺հ

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ΠϕϯτϧʔϓʹΑΔ ঢ়ଶભҠ

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ঢ়ଶΛ࣋ͭ • ϢʔβͷೖྗΛԿճ΋ड͚औΔ • ॲཧ͢ΔͨͼʹΞϓϦέʔγϣϯͷঢ়ଶ͸มԽ͢Δ

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ී௨ͷίϚϯυͳΒ ೖྗ ॲཧ ग़ྗ

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ΠϯλϥΫςΟϒͳίϚϯυͩͱ ೖྗ ঢ়ଶ͝ͱʹॲཧ෼ذ ग़ྗ ॲཧ ঢ়ଶͷߋ৽

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จࣈඳըΛ ͜Ͷ͘Γճͯ͠6*࡞Ζ͏

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͜ͷ"1*͚ͩͰ6*࡞ΕΔͩΖ͏͔ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa termbox.SetCell(10, 5, ‘a’, white, red)

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จࣈྻඳը func tbPrint(x, y int, fg, bg termbox.Attribute, msg string) { for _, c := range msg { termbox.SetCell(x, y, c, fg, bg) x++ } }

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1 # Contributing to Go⊠ 2 ⊠ 3 Go is an open source project.⊠ 4 ⊠ 5 It is the work of hundreds of contributors...⊠ 6 ⊠ 7 ## Before filing an issue⊠ 8 ⊠ 9 If you are unsure whether you have found...⊠ 10!forum/...⊠ 11 the behavior you are seeing is confirmed...⊠ 12 ⊠ 13 ## Filing issues⊠ 14 ⊠ 15 Sensitive security-related issues should...⊠ 16 See the [security policy](https://golang...⊠ 17 ⊠ 18 The recommended way to file an issue is ...⊠ 19 Otherwise, when filing an issue, make...⊠ 20 ⊠ ίϯςϯπͷߴ͞ (20) ΧʔιϧҐஔ(17) ඳըҐஔ(3) ඳըྖҬͷߴ͞ (14) εΫϩʔϧ

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1 # Contributing to Go⊠ 2 ⊠ 3 Go is an open source project.⊠ 4 ⊠ 5 It is the work of hundreds of contributors...⊠ 6 ⊠ 7 ## Before filing an issue⊠ 8 ⊠ 9 If you are unsure whether you have found...⊠ 10!forum/...⊠ 11 the behavior you are seeing is confirmed...⊠ 12 ⊠ 13 ## Filing issues⊠ 14 ⊠ 15 Sensitive security-related issues should...⊠ 16 See the [security policy](https://golang...⊠ 17 ⊠ 18 The recommended way to file an issue is ...⊠ 19 Otherwise, when filing an issue, make...⊠ 20 ⊠ ΧʔιϧҐஔ(19) ίϯςϯπͷߴ͞ (20) ඳըྖҬͷߴ͞ (14) ඳըҐஔ(3)

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1 # Contributing to Go⊠ 2 ⊠ 3 Go is an open source project.⊠ 4 ⊠ 5 It is the work of hundreds of contributors...⊠ 6 ⊠ 7 ## Before filing an issue⊠ 8 ⊠ 9 If you are unsure whether you have found...⊠ 10!forum/...⊠ 11 the behavior you are seeing is confirmed...⊠ 12 ⊠ 13 ## Filing issues⊠ 14 ⊠ 15 Sensitive security-related issues should...⊠ 16 See the [security policy](https://golang...⊠ 17 ⊠ 18 The recommended way to file an issue is ...⊠ 19 Otherwise, when filing an issue, make...⊠ 20 ⊠ ΧʔιϧҐஔ(19) ඳըҐஔ(4) ίϯςϯπͷߴ͞ (20) ඳըྖҬͷߴ͞ (14)

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ϩδοΫ func (l *Layer) DownCursor(val int, contentNum int) int { l.cursorPos.Y += val if l.cursorPos.Y > (contentNum - 1) { l.cursorPos.Y = contentNum - 1 } if l.cursorPos.Y > (l.drawPos.Y + - 1) { l.drawPos.Y = l.cursorPos.Y - + 1 } return l.cursorPos.Y }

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lΊΜͲ͘͘͞ͳ͍ͩΖ͏͔” ҆͝৺͍ͩ͘͞

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5FSNCPYΛϥοϓͨ͠ ίϯϙʔωϯτΛఏڙ • termbox-go֦ு • gocui • • tcell֦ு • tui-go •

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ΠϯλϥΫςΟϒͳ ίϚϯυͷσβΠϯ

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ͳͥΠϯλϥΫςΟϒʹ͢Δ • ෳ਺ͷίϚϯυΛγʔϜϨεʹͭͳ͍͛ͨ

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l$-*Λ࢖͍ͬͯΔҎ্ಀΕΒΕͳ͍ӡ໋” Ұཡදࣔͱબ୒

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ҰํͰۤ࿑͢Δͱ͜Ζ΋͋Δ • ߏ଄ͷγϯϓϧ͕͞ັྗͰCLIίϚϯυ࡞ͬͯΔ

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ೖྗ ঢ়ଶ͝ͱʹॲཧ෼ذ ग़ྗ ॲཧ ঢ়ଶͷߋ৽

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ҰํͰۤ࿑͢Δͱ͜Ζ΋͋Δ • ߏ଄ͷγϯϓϧ͕͞ັྗͰCLIίϚϯυ࡞ͬͯΔ • ΠϯλϥΫγϣϯͷ࢓ํ࣍ୈͰ͸ෳࡶʹͳΔͷͰ͸ʁ

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ҰํͰۤ࿑͢Δͱ͜Ζ΋͋Δ • ߏ଄ͷγϯϓϧ͕͞ັྗͰCLIίϚϯυ࡞ͬͯΔ • ΠϯλϥΫγϣϯͷ࢓ํ࣍ୈͰ͸ෳࡶʹͳΔͷͰ͸ʁ • ͳΜ͔ͩΜͩඳըܥ΋ࣗ෼Ͱॻ͍ͨ΄͏͕֦ுੑߴ͍

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1 # Contributing to Go⊠ 2 ⊠ 3 Go is an open source project.⊠ 4 ⊠ 5 It is the work of hundreds of contributors...⊠ 6 ⊠ 7 ## Before filing an issue⊠ 8 ⊠ 9 If you are unsure whether you have found...⊠ 10!forum/...⊠ 11 the behavior you are seeing is confirmed...⊠ 12 ⊠ 13 ## Filing issues⊠ 14 ⊠ 15 Sensitive security-related issues should...⊠ 16 See the [security policy](https://golang...⊠ 17 ⊠ 18 The recommended way to file an issue is ...⊠ 19 Otherwise, when filing an issue, make...⊠ 20 ⊠ ΧʔιϧҐஔ(19) ඳըҐஔ(4) ίϯςϯπͷߴ͞ (20) ඳըྖҬͷߴ͞ (14)

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ҰํͰۤ࿑͢Δͱ͜Ζ΋͋Δ • ߏ଄ͷγϯϓϧ͕͞ັྗͰCLIίϚϯυ࡞ͬͯΔ • ΠϯλϥΫγϣϯͷ࢓ํ࣍ୈͰ͸ෳࡶʹͳΔͷͰ͸ʁ • ͳΜ͔ͩΜͩඳըܥ΋ࣗ෼Ͱॻ͍ͨ΄͏͕֦ுੑߴ͍ • UI࣮૷ΰϦΰϦ͍ͨ͠ʁ

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Ͱ΋ɺ΍ΔΜͩΑ • CLI͔ΒऔಘͰ͖ΔΠϯϓοτ͸๲େ • CLI͔ΒGUIʹ৘ใΛ౉ͨ͢Ίʹ͸ίϐϖ • ৘ใͷྲྀΕΛ෼அ͠ͳ͍͜ͱͦ͜؊ཁ

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͝ਗ਼ௌ ͋Γ͕ͱ͏͍͟͝·ͨ͠

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ࣗݾ঺հ • େڮฏ࿨ (Toshikazu.Ohashi) • @lighttiger2505 • iRidge, Inc. • ΤϯδχΞืूத!! • αʔόαΠυΤϯδχΞ • Vim Go Vim Vim Go Go Vim ...Python