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TOM HOMBERGS | SENIOR SOFTWARE ENGINEER | @TOMHOMBERGS Let’s build components, not layers Component-based architecture with Spring

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Software is over- engineered Software is under- engineered Software is over- engineered Software is under- engineered

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Software is over- engineered Software is under- engineered (at the code level) (at the system level) Software is over- engineered Software is under- engineered

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Software is over- engineered Software is under- engineered MONOLITH MICROSERVICES Software is over- engineered Software is under- engineered (at the code level) (at the system level)

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How can I organise my code to support a modular monolith*? LEAD QUESTION * monolith = a deployment unit that covers more than one bounded context

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Tom Hombergs “You can’t just keep it simple. Make it simple, then it’s easy.” re fl

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Agenda Why organise code? What’s wrong with layers? What’s wrong with verticals? Clean / Hexagonal architecture? Component-based architecture! Field study

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Where is this feature in the code? How can I replace this part of the code? What is this part of the code doing? How can I move this feature from this codebase to another? What can break if I modify this part of the code? Where do I add this new feature to the code? Who is using this part of the code? How does this code fit into the overall architecture?

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Goals of code organisation Understandability Easy to navigate the codebase. Get onboarded quicker. And more … What do you want from good code organisation? Maintainability Easy to keep the codebase in a good shape. Evolvability Easy to add to / remove from / modify the codebase.

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Agenda Why organise code? What’s wrong with layers? What’s wrong with verticals? Clean / Hexagonal architecture? Component-based architecture! Field study

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What’s wrong with layers? Blurred boundaries Mental capacity Horizontal dependencies everywhere The only rule is that dependencies may not go to a layer above. This means that a lot of horizontal dependencies creep in over time. The business use cases are hidden Use cases are often hidden in very broad services within the business layer and are hard to fi nd and reason about.

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What’s wrong with layers? Architecture / code gap A codebase with 3 layers has 3 high-level components to reason about. The actual architecture is more complex and not evident from looking at the code. We have to do mental mapping continuously. A layer is doing too much We can’t grasp what a layer is doing because it’s too broad. Our brain can only process a couple of concepts at the same time (my brain, at least). Blurred boundaries Mental capacity

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Agenda Why organise code? What’s wrong with layers? What’s wrong with verticals? Clean / Hexagonal architecture? Component-based architecture! Field study

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What’s wrong with slices? Slices have a large surface area Slices don’t have a dedicated API, making all dependencies to other slices fair game. Limited evolvability Large surface area

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What’s wrong with slices? Limited evolvability Large surface area Replacing or removing a slice is risky Moving a slice out of the codebase is hard due to accidental dependencies.

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Agenda Why organise code? What’s wrong with layers? What’s wrong with verticals? Clean / Hexagonal architecture? Component-based architecture! Field study

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Clean Architecture

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Hexagonal Architecture

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It’s great for a rich domain model CLEAN / HEXAGONAL ARCHITECTURE

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We often don’t have a rich domain model! It’s great for a rich domain model CLEAN / HEXAGONAL ARCHITECTURE

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Everybody interprets it differently CLEAN / HEXAGONAL ARCHITECTURE

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We need simplicity! Everybody interprets it differently CLEAN / HEXAGONAL ARCHITECTURE

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Is there a simple architecture without the overhead?

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Agenda Why organise code? What’s wrong with layers? What’s wrong with verticals? Clean / Hexagonal architecture? Component-based architecture! Field study

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Namespace Each component has a unique namespace. API Each component has a dedicated API package. Internal Each component has a dedicated “internal” package. Nesting It’s components all the way down. Component rules

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Namespace Each component has a unique namespace.

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Namespace Each component has a unique namespace.

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Namespace Each component has a unique namespace.

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API Each component has a dedicated API package. Internal Each component has a dedicated “internal” package.

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Nesting It’s components all the way down.

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Nesting It’s components all the way down.

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Nesting It’s components all the way down.

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Nesting It’s components all the way down. implements

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Nesting It’s components all the way down.

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Nesting It’s components all the way down. implements

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Agenda Why organise code? What’s wrong with layers? What’s wrong with verticals? Clean / Hexagonal architecture? Component-based architecture! Field study

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Schedule checks Checks should be queued Execute checks Dequeues and executes checks Store check results Stores check results in the database Retrieve check results Provides an API to retrieve check results Building a “check engine” component

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Building a “check engine” component Execute checks Store check results Retrieve check results Schedule checks

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API & Internal packages

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API to schedule checks Schedule checks Checks should be queued

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API to query check results Retrieve check results Provides an API to retrieve check results

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Sub-component for running checks Execute checks Dequeues and executes checks

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Sub-component for database storage Store check results Stores check results in the database Retrieve check results Provides an API to retrieve check results

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Sub-component for queueing and dequeueing checks Schedule checks Checks should be queued

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Con fi guration to load all Spring beans of the top- level component into the application context

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Auto-load the con fi guration when “check-engine” component is in the classpath

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External API to schedule a check Schedule checks Checks should be queued implements

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No API package because the API is exposed by the parent component! Schedule checks Checks should be queued

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Con fi guration to load all Spring beans of the nested component into the application context Schedule checks Checks should be queued

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Internal API to store check results implements calls Store check results Stores check results in the database

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Internal API to run checks calls Execute checks Dequeues and executes checks implements

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External API to retrieve check results implements Retrieve check results Provides an API to retrieve check results

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Why build components? Maintainability Understand- ability Evolvability Easily bridge the architecture / code gap Minimal mental mapping from the architecture to the code and back.

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Why build components? Maintainability Understand- ability Evolvability Easily enforce dependencies One simple dependency rule: no access to an internal package from outside of that package.

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Why build components? Maintainability Understand- ability Evolvability Easily move code around Thanks to narrow API surfaces and clear dependencies, code is easy to move around within the codebase or to another codebase.

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re fl re fl Thank you for your patience!

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