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Aggregators: modeling data queries functionally Oscar Boykin, Twitter @posco

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Or: Aggregators: composable aggregation for scalding, spark, summingbird, and plain scala

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@Twitter How to compute size of a list in Map/Reduce? 3 2 3 5 7 11 13 17

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@Twitter How to compute size of a list in Map/Reduce? 4 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 map(x => 1)

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@Twitter How to compute size of a list in Map/Reduce? 5 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 7 4 reduce {(x, y) => x+y}

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Associative functions: f(a,f(b,c)) == f(f(a,b),c) also called “semigroups”

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we want map+semigroup in one abstraction!

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@Twitter Getting the average 8 2 3 5 7 11 13 17

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@Twitter Getting the average 9 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 (1,2) (1,3) (1,5) (1,7) (1,11) (1,13) (1,17) map(x => (1,x))

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@Twitter Getting the average 10 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 (1,2) (1,3) (1,5) (1,7) (1,11) (1,13) (1,17) 2,24 2, 5 3,41 7,58 4,17 2,12 reduce(

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@Twitter Getting the average 11 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 (1,2) (1,3) (1,5) (1,7) (1,11) (1,13) (1,17) 7,58 8.285 map(case (c, s) => s/c.toDouble)

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We really want map+semigroup+map in one abstraction!

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trait Aggregator[In, Middle, Out] { def prepare(i: In): Middle def semigroup: Semigroup[Middle] def present(m: Middle): Out }

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How do we use this?

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@Twitter 15

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@Twitter 16

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@Twitter 17

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@Twitter 18

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Not such a new idea. Scalding had a mapReduceMap function in the first release:

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But why should we be excited?

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map (prepare) reduce (semigroup) map (present)

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“Does not compose” is the new “is a piece of crap” paraphrasing Dan Rosen @mergeconflict

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Aggregators Compose != Aggregator

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map (prepare) reduce (semigroup) map (present)

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map (prepare) reduce (semigroup) map (present) composePrepare

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map (prepare) reduce (semigroup) map (present) composePrepare Function + Aggregator = Aggregator

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map (prepare) reduce (semigroup) map (present)

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map (prepare) reduce (semigroup) map (present) andThenPresent

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map (prepare) reduce (semigroup) map (present) andThenPresent Aggregator + Function = Aggregator

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map (prepare) reduce (semigroup) map (present)

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map (prepare) reduce (semigroup) map (present) Aggregator 1 Aggregator 2

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map (prepare) reduce (semigroup) map (present) Joined Aggregator Aggregator * Aggregator = Aggregator

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Aggregators are Applicative Functors Functor: has a map method map(t: A[T])(fn: T => U): A[U] Applicative: has a join method: def join(t: A[T], u: A[U]): A[(T, U)] Monad: has a flatMap method: def flatMap(t: A[T])(fn: T => A[U]): A[U]

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Aggregators are Applicative Functors Functor: has a map method map(t: A[T])(fn: T => U): A[U] Applicative: has a join method: def join(t: A[T], u: A[U]): A[(T, U)] Monad: has a flatMap method: def flatMap(t: A[T])(fn: T => A[U]): A[U]

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Let’s go to the REPL 814fc1e77aad1d295bb7

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Aggregators “just work” with scala collections Aggregators are built in to Scalding Aggregators are easy to use with Spark

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@Twitter Algebird with spark: 37

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@Twitter Algebird with spark: 38

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Key Points 1) Aggregators encapsulate very general query logic independent of how it is executed (in memory, scalding, spark, you name it) 2) Aggregators compose so you can define parts you use, and easily glue them together 3) Algebird has many advanced, well tested Aggregators: TopK, HyperLogLog, CountMinSketch, Mean, Stddev, …

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Oscar Boykin @posco / Algebird has these aggregators and more: