Aggregators are Applicative Functors
Functor: has a map method
map(t: A[T])(fn: T => U): A[U]
Applicative: has a join method:
def join(t: A[T], u: A[U]): A[(T, U)]
Monad: has a flatMap method:
def flatMap(t: A[T])(fn: T => A[U]): A[U]
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Aggregators are Applicative Functors
Functor: has a map method
map(t: A[T])(fn: T => U): A[U]
Applicative: has a join method:
def join(t: A[T], u: A[U]): A[(T, U)]
Monad: has a flatMap method:
def flatMap(t: A[T])(fn: T => A[U]): A[U]
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Let’s go to the REPL
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Aggregators “just work” with scala collections
Aggregators are built in to Scalding
Aggregators are easy to use with Spark
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Algebird with spark:
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Algebird with spark:
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Key Points
1) Aggregators encapsulate very general query
logic independent of how it is executed (in
memory, scalding, spark, you name it)
2) Aggregators compose so you can define parts
you use, and easily glue them together
3) Algebird has many advanced, well tested
Aggregators: TopK, HyperLogLog,
CountMinSketch, Mean, Stddev, …
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Oscar Boykin @posco /
Algebird has these aggregators and more: