Slide 5
Slide 5 text
A few of my favorite standards
Photo: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, “Galaxy Cluster Abell 1689” CC-BY, enlarged/cropped
ISO 12083
Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) XML
HTML (in all its variations)
Dublin Core MODS
DAISY Digital Talking Book
Darwin Core
VRA Core microdata
Just for fun, a few of my favorite standards… *CLICK* hey, I have to ask, do we have any old-school unreconstructed SGML fans in the room? (if yes: Me
too! Good old SGML! *click* ISO twelve-oh-eighty-three, best standard ever, am I right?) (if no: Awww, *click* no love for ISO twelve-oh-eighty-three? I am
crushed. CRUSHED. You’re breaking my heart here.)
Okay, okay, *click* also an XML fan, of course, plenty of scope for playing around with standards there.
Some of you may notice that I don’t have RDF or OWL or anything else semantic-web or linked-data-ish on here. That’s deliberate. I work with RDF, I teach
and train on it, I even give talks about it now and then, but I’m not a gigantic fan of it; I work with it and teach it because I have to, people need to know
about it. *click* But I’ll add one more de facto standard that I AM a… cautious… fan of: schema-dot-org microdata. I’ll be mentioning it again later. And
just so you know, it has NOTHING to do with what the DDI community typically calls microdata — so, yeah, just the VOCABULARY in the standards
landscape is a mess!